B4i Library KSCrash - simple and powerful crash reports framework

KSCrash is an open source crash reports framework: https://github.com/kstenerud/KSCrash

It is simple to use and looks like it works very good.
The app collects the crash reports and tries to send them when the app is started again. There are several ways to send the crash reports, including sending to a http server and sending an email.

The following code uses the email method.


The report includes a stack trace with the sub names.

How to use?

#AdditionalLib: KSCrash.framework.3
#AdditionalLib: MessageUI.framework
#AdditionalLib: SystemConfiguration.framework
#AdditionalLib: libc++.dylib
#AdditionalLib: libz.dylib
'Add a reference to iCPP library!
#IgnoreWarnings: 32

In Process_Globals:
Private xui As XUI
Private reporter As NativeObject

3. In Application_Start:
Dim KSCrashVersion As Double = Me.as(NativeObject).RunMethod("getVersion", Null).AsNumber
Log($"KSCrash version: $1.2{KSCrashVersion}"$)
If App.IsSimulator = False Then
End If
#end if

As you can see in the code above, it will only be activated in release mode on a real device.

Sub SendReportsIfNeeded As ResumableSub
    Dim no As NativeObject
    no = no.Initialize("KSCrash").RunMethod("sharedInstance", Null)
    Dim reports As Int = no.GetField("reportCount").AsNumber
    Log($"Number of reports: ${reports}"$)
    'Page1.Title = reports
    If reports > 0 Then
        Dim sf As Object = xui.Msgbox2Async("The app crashed last time it was launched. Please help us improve and send a crash report?", _
            "", "Yes", "No", "", Null)
        Wait For (sf) Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
        If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
            Dim nme As NativeObject = Me
            nme.RunMethod("sendReports:", Array(reporter))
            no.RunMethod("deleteAllReports", Null)
        End If
    End If
    Return True
End Sub

Sub CreateReporter
    reporter = reporter.Initialize("KSCrashInstallationEmail").RunMethod("sharedInstance", Null)
    Dim recipients As List = Array("ereluziel@gmail.com") '<-------------------------------------------  change!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    reporter.SetField("recipients", recipients)
    reporter.SetField("reportStyle", 1) 'KSCrashEmailReportStyleApple
    reporter.SetField("subject", "Crash Report")
    reporter.SetField("message", "This Is a crash report")
    reporter.SetField("filenameFmt", "crash-report-%d.txt.gz")
    reporter.RunMethod("install", Null)
End Sub

#if OBJC
#import <KSCrash/KSCrashFramework.h>
- (double) getVersion {
    return KSCrashFrameworkVersionNumber;
- (void) sendReports:(KSCrashInstallation*)installation {
[installation sendAllReportsWithCompletion:^(NSArray* reports, BOOL completed, NSError* error)
             NSLog(@"Sent %d reports", (int)[reports count]);
             NSLog(@"Failed to send reports: %@", error);
#End If

If you are using a local Mac then you need to download the framework and copy it to the libs folder: www.b4x.com/b4i/files/KSCrash.zip

Don't forget to change the email address.

Example of handling the reports programmatically: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ul-crash-reports-framework.120644/post-842685
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
KSCrash example where you can handle the crash reports programmatically is attached.
Erel - brilliant - took a bit of rearranging and tidy up and plugged it straight into my app's pre-existing AWS S3 error logging - worked first go.

I liked your little email trick...
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