Android Question Landscape photo in portrait app


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Licensed User
Please for help (it's quite urgent).
I have developed an application in B4A (for the phone) where a barcode (work order) is scanned, then we take photos of the products, which the system then uploads to that work order.

Everything works fine as long as the application is in portrait orientation (as defined in the source code itself). However, when I call the phone's camera routine for taking photos and the user switches the camera to landscape position, the system does not return the appropriate image.
I've searched the forum and found that users have the same issue, but I haven't found a suitable solution.
Could you please help? Thank you in advance...
If is code needed - here is code:

Example code:
' label for taking photo
Private Sub lblTakePhoto_Click

    ' če ni vpisanega naloga
    If lblDelNalog.Text = "" Then
        Dim icon As B4XBitmap = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "stop.png", 60dip, 60dip, True)
        Msgbox2Async("Wrong number of workorder!", "ChillyScanner", "Ok", "", "", icon, False)
        Wait For Msgbox_Result (Echo As Int)
    End If

    ' FileName
    Dim PicNum As Int = clvPhotos.Size
    Dim PictureName As String = NumberFormat(PicNum + 1, 3, 0) & ".jpg"
    ToastMessageShow(PictureName, True)
    CurrentItem = PicNum
    ' Taking photo!!!
    TakePicture (PictureName, 150dip, 150dip)
    Wait For Image_Available(Success As Boolean, bmp As B4XBitmap)
    If Success Then
        ' kreiramo CustomLIstView Item
        clvPhotos.Add(CreateItemToClv(lblDelNalog.Text.Trim & "_" & PictureName, bmp), PictureName)
        Wait For (Upload2FtpServer(PictureName)) Complete(Uspesno As Boolean)   
        ' postavimo kurzur
    End If
End Sub

' Taking photo
Private Sub TakePicture (PictureName As String, TargetWidth As Int, TargetHeight As Int)

    Dim i As Intent
    i.Initialize("", "")
    File.Delete(Provider.SharedFolder, PictureName)
    Dim u As Object = Provider.GetFileUri(PictureName)
    i.PutExtra("output", u) 'the image will be saved to this path
        Wait For (CallSub(KeepRunningService, "Start")) Complete (Unused As Boolean)
        Wait For ion_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
        CallSub(KeepRunningService, "Stop")
        Dim bmp As B4XBitmap
        If -1 = Args(0) Then
                Dim in As Intent = Args(1)
                If File.Exists(Provider.SharedFolder, PictureName) Then
                    Dim Exif As ExifData
                    Exif.Initialize(Provider.SharedFolder, PictureName)
                    bmp = LoadBitmapSample(Provider.SharedFolder, PictureName, Max(TargetWidth, TargetHeight), Max(TargetWidth, TargetHeight))
                    Log("Orientation: " & Exif.getAttribute(Exif.TAG_ORIENTATION))
                    Select Exif.getAttribute(Exif.TAG_ORIENTATION)
                        Case Exif.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180 '3
                            bmp = bmp.Rotate(180)
                        Case Exif.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90 '6
                            bmp = bmp.Rotate(90)
                        Case Exif.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270 '8
                            bmp = bmp.Rotate(270)
                    End Select
                    bmp = bmp.Resize(TargetWidth, TargetHeight, True)
                Else If in.HasExtra("data") Then 'try to get thumbnail instead
                    Dim jo As JavaObject = in
                    bmp = jo.RunMethodJO("getExtras", Null).RunMethod("get", Array("data"))
                End If
            End Try
        End If
        CallSubDelayed3(Me, "Image_Available", bmp.IsInitialized, bmp)
        ToastMessageShow("Camera is not available.", True)
        CallSubDelayed3(Me, "Image_Available", False, Null)
    End Try
End Sub

Br, DaT
I apologize, I came across a solution within the forum (using a different search method). The solution is to add this setting in the manifest editor:

SetActivityAttribute( Main, android:configChanges, "keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize|orientation")

I'll leave the message and mark the solution, as it will surely make someone's life easier


Active Member
Licensed User
I apologize, I came across a solution within the forum (using a different search method). The solution is to add this setting in the manifest editor:

SetActivityAttribute( Main, android:configChanges, "keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize|orientation")

I'll leave the message and mark the solution, as it will surely make someone's life easier
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