But what about switch from API FCM legacy to HTTP v1?
I tried using the older API (legacy) and the newer API (v1) and had the same result. The legacy version is meant to be turned off soon.
first of all I try to re-ceate a projet in Firebase console.
I had my Firebase project created for many years (4-5 years, maybe longer) and it was working perfectly fine. Then since around mid-end of April the FCM were being delayed in being delivered to the phone for some reason.
I found if I create a new firebase project the push notifications are fairly instant and then all of a sudden (1-2 weeks later) it is slow again and they are delay in being delivered. This was for both Android and iOS when using Firebase.
I even created 2 separate firebase projects, one for Android and another for iOS, thinking maybe I am sending too many API calls to the same project but both my new projects are now slow. I even logged how many API calls I am sending and the API calls are not the issue.
At one point I stopped all API calls to Firebase for a whole week (for the project that was running slow) and I then only sent 1 API call for FCM but my phone didn't get the message for 1-2 minutes.
When I send the firebase API call, it get's the JSON reply saying Firebase accepted the API call but just a delay in receiving the FCM on the phone.
So creating a new project in Firebase is a temporary solution for a few weeks.
I love to try pushy.me or anything other than Firebase to see if we get the same result.