Android Question Latest Android Storage Woes


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I have an app, for personal use only not for Google Play, that displays a text file.

It works fine compiled using B4A 7.30 with minSdkVersion=5 targetSdkVersion=14 on my Samsung Galaxy A53 (Android 13. On installation it gives me all sorts of warnings about using older software. I just say allow). It also works on my Samsung Galaxy Flip3 (also Android 13. Also ignore the warnings), but the screen shows a 1 inch gap at the top and bottom.

I read the text file from a file in the /sdcard/Download folder (this is where it ends up when downloaded from Google Drive).

It compiles using the newer B4A, version 12.30, minSdkVersion=14 targetSdkVersion=31. On my Flip 3 it runs and there are now no screen gaps, but I can no longer see the file in the /sdcard/Download folder. I am using the file dialog from Dialogs2.

My guess is this has something to do with the new "Scoped Storage". I tried SetApplicationAttribute (android:requestLegacyExternalStorage, true) in the manifest, but that didn't help. I've tried implementing it with chooser, but that adds a lot of complexity, it also allowed me to see the file on Google Drive by not select it.

Is there a really simple solution? If need be I can live with the gaps, but it would be nice to bring myself up to date with the newer B4A.
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