'Code module
'Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
'Dim scalepy As Int : scalepy = 1
'Dim IPBoxText As String : IPBoxText = ""
End Sub
Sub MB(title As String,msg As String,pos As String,can As String,neg As String) As Int
Dim gBD As BetterDialogs
Dim dlg_params As BD_CustomDlgParams
Dim DR As Int
Dim port As Boolean
Dim lval As LayoutValues
Dim sc As Float
Dim Scrn As Double
Dim psize, lsize As Int
lval = GetDeviceLayoutValues
sc = lval.scale
Scrn = lval.ApproximateScreenSize
If Scrn < 6 Then
' psize = 18dip
' lsize = 20dip
psize = 18
lsize = 20
' psize = 35dip
' lsize = 45dip
psize = 35
lsize = 45
End If
If Scrn > 7.5 Then
' psize = 18dip
' lsize = 20dip
psize = 55
lsize = 65
End If
' sc = 1
If lval.Height > lval.Width Then
port = True
port = False
End If
Dim btnOK As Button
btnOK.Text = pos
btnOK.TextColor = Colors.White
'btnOK.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER ' + Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
If port = True Then
btnOK.TextSize = psize / sc '/sc
btnOK.TextSize = lsize / sc '/sc
End If
btnOK.Background = CreateStateListDrawable1
'ToastMessageShow(" Port: "&port&" Height: "&lval.Height&" Width: "&lval.Width&" SCALE: "&sc ,True)
Dim btnCancel As Button
btnCancel.Text = can
If port = True Then
btnCancel.TextSize = psize / sc '/ sc
btnCancel.TextSize = lsize / sc '/sc
End If
btnCancel.TextColor = Colors.White
btnCancel.Background = CreateStateListDrawable1
Dim btnneg As Button
btnneg.Text = neg
If port = True Then
btnneg.TextSize = psize / sc '/ sc
btnneg.TextSize = lsize / sc '/sc
End If
btnneg.TextColor = Colors.White
btnneg.Background = CreateStateListDrawable1
Dim pnlBody As Panel
' Dim pnlBody As Panel
' pnlBody.Initialize("")
Dim sld As StateListDrawable
Dim gd1 As GradientDrawable
gd1.Initialize( "TOP_BOTTOM", Array As Int(Colors.DarkGray, Colors.Black))
gd1.CornerRadius = 0dip
Dim lab As Label
lab.Text = msg
'lab.Text = "Are You Sure You Want To End Your Shift Today. Maybe it will be tomorrow? It could even be the day after that - Who Knows?"
lab.TextColor = Colors.Yellow
' lab.Top = pnlBody.Top + 10dip
' lab.left = pnlBody.left + 10dip
' lab.width = 90%x
' lab.Height = 90%y]
dlg_params.Title = title
dlg_params.TitleWidth = -1
dlg_params.TitleHeight = 60dip
dlg_params.DialogBody = pnlBody
dlg_params.BodyWidth = 90%x
dlg_params.BodyHeight = 40%y
dlg_params.MarginHeight = 0dip
dlg_params.Background = sld
dlg_params.PositiveButton = btnOK
dlg_params.CancelButton = btnCancel
dlg_params.NegativeButton = btnneg
dlg_params.OpenKeyboard = False
' DR = gBD.CustomDialog( title, -1, 60dip, pnlBody, 90%x, 40%y, 0dip, sld , btnOK, btnCancel, btnneg, False, "CD2" )
' title, t_width, t_height, Dialog -pnlbody, d_width, d_height, margin, background, btnok,btncancel,btnneg, openkeyboard, event)
If port = True Then
If Scrn < 6 Then
' lab.TextSize = psize / sc
pnlBody.AddView(lab, 10%x ,0%y , 70%x, 41%y)
' pnlBody.AddView(lab, 10%x ,0%y , 70%x, 91%y)
lab.TextSize = SetTextSize(lab,lab.Text,sc)
DR = gBD.CustomDialog( dlg_params, "CD2" )
' lab.TextSize = psize / sc
pnlBody.AddView(lab, 10%x ,0%y , 70%x, 41%y)
lab.TextSize = SetTextSize(lab,lab.Text,sc)
dlg_params.Title = "<H1>"&title&"</H1>"
DR = gBD.CustomDialog(dlg_params, "CD2")
End If
pnlBody.AddView(lab , 5%x, 0 , 80%x, 55%y)
lab.TextSize = SetTextSize(lab ,lab.Text, sc)
dlg_params.Title = "<H1>"&title&"</H1>"
dlg_params.BodyWidth = 90%x
dlg_params.BodyHeight = 60%y
dlg_params.DialogBody = pnlBody
DR = gBD.CustomDialog(dlg_params, "CD2")
' DR = gBD.MsgBox(title,msg,btnOK.Text,btnCancel.Text,btnneg.Text,Null)
' DR = gBD.CustomDialog( "<H1>"&title&"</H1>", -1, 60dip, pnlBody, 80%x, 60%y, 0dip, sld , btnOK, btnCancel, btnneg, False, "CD2")
End If
'pnlBody.Color = Colors.Green
' scalepy = scalepy + 1
' If scalepy > 5 Then
' scalepy = 1
' End If
' Log("DR=" & DR)
Return DR
End Sub
Sub SetTextSize(lbl As Label, txt As String, Sca As Float) As Int
Dim dt As Float
Dim limit = 0.5 As Float
Dim h As Int
Dim stu As StringUtils
lbl.Text = txt
lbl.TextSize = 272
dt = lbl.TextSize
h = stu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lbl, txt)
' Log("Multi Line Height: "&h)
Do While dt > limit Or h > lbl.Height
dt = dt / 2
h = stu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lbl, txt)
If h > lbl.Height Then
lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize - dt
lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize + dt
End If
If Sca = 99.0 Then
Return lbl.TextSize' / 1.30 '(scale / 2) ' 1.35
Return lbl.TextSize / 1.20 '(scale / 2) ' 1.35
End If
End Sub
Sub CD2_BackKeyPressed As Boolean
Log("Back key detected")
Return True 'Prevents the cancellation of the dialog
End Sub
Sub CreateStateListDrawable1 As StateListDrawable
'Creates a SLD for the buttons of the custom dialog
Dim sd As StateListDrawable
Dim gd1 As GradientDrawable
gd1.Initialize("BOTTOM_TOP" , Array As Int(Colors.Gray, Colors.DarkGray))
gd1.CornerRadius = 0dip
Dim gd2 As GradientDrawable
gd2.Initialize( "BOTTOM_TOP", Array As Int(Colors.DarkGray, Colors.Gray))
gd2.CornerRadius = 0dip
sd.AddState(sd.State_Pressed, gd2)
Return sd
End Sub
Sub CreateStateListDrawable As StateListDrawable
'Creates a SLD for the buttons of the custom dialog
Dim sd As StateListDrawable
Dim gd1 As GradientDrawable
gd1.Initialize("BOTTOM_TOP" , Array As Int(Colors.Gray, Colors.DarkGray))
gd1.CornerRadius = 10dip
Dim gd2 As GradientDrawable
gd2.Initialize( "BOTTOM_TOP", Array As Int(Colors.DarkGray, Colors.Gray))
gd2.CornerRadius = 10dip
sd.AddState(sd.State_Pressed, gd2)
Return sd
End Sub
Sub LoadDrawable(Name As String) As Object
'Gets a drawable from the Android system resources
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = r.GetContext
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getResources")
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getSystem")
Dim ID_Drawable As Int
ID_Drawable = r.RunMethod4("getIdentifier", Array As Object(Name, "drawable", "android"), _
Array As String("java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String"))
r.Target = r.GetContext
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getResources")
Return r.RunMethod2("getDrawable", ID_Drawable, "java.lang.int")
End Sub