B4A Library [Lib, Chargeable] MFLib 2 - tons of functions for B4A

Today i will present you my new MFLib version 2.

Version 2 contains new and faster functions and new objects.

List of classes and functions (for details see following posts):

Base library (MFLib.jar)
Base functions:
Version(), Copyright(), GetDeviceID()​
ActivityInfo functions:
Orientation(), Rotation()​
Color functions:
List of material color constants.​
Date functions:
Easter(), EncodeDate(), EncodeDateTime(), EncodeTime(), FromJulian(), IsLeapYear(), ToJulian()​
Draw functions:
BitmapDisabledState(), BitmapDisabledState2(), BitmapDrawableFromResource(), BitmapFromResource(), BitmapPressedState(), BitmapPressedState2(), TiledBitmapDrawableFromResource()​
File functions:
ApplicationPath(), BaseName(), ChangeExt(), Copy(), Copy2(), CurrentDir(), Delete(), Delete2(), DirDefaultCard(), DirDefaultExternal(), DirRootCard(), DirRootExternal(), Exists(), Exists2(), ExternalFilesDirs(), ExternalRootDirs(), FileDir(), FileExt(), FileName(), FileSeparator(), Find(), Find2(), ListFiles(), ListFiles2(), MakePath(), Move(), Move2(), PathSeparator(), Rename(), Rename2(), TempDir(), TextFileLoad(), TextFileSave(), UserDir()​
Info functions:
AndroidApiVersion(), AndroidVersion(), CurrencySymbol(), DecimalSeparator(), DeviceId(), GroupingSeparator(), IsConnected(), IsRoaming(), JavaVersion(), Language(), MemHeapFree(), MemHeapMax(), MemHeapTotal(), MemDeviceFree(), MemDeviceTotal(), NetworkInfo(), NumProcessors(), DisplayInfo(), NativeOrientationLandscape(), Orientation(), Region(), Rotation(), Serial(), SystemArchitecture(), SystemName(), SystemVersion(), Timezone(), UserName()​
Math functions:
CompareFloat(), CompareInt(), ConstrainFloat(), ConstrainInt(), EqualsFloat(), EqualsInt(), GetAngleFromXY(), GetRadiusFromXY(), GetXFromRadiusAngle(), GetYFromRadiusAngle(), MapFloat(), MapInt(), RoundTo()​
String functions:
Append(), Base64Decode(), Base64Encode(), BestLevenshtein(), CompareLogical(), Compare(), ContainsNumber(), CRC32(), CRC32Hex(), Key(), Key2(), Key3(), Left(), LevenshteinDistance(), Mid(), Reverse(), Right(), SetLength(), SizeToStr(), StringOfChar(), TokenList(), TokenList2(), TokenListList(), TokenListList2(), Translate(), Trim(), TrimLeft(), TrimRight(), Value(), Value2(), Value3()​
BitFiend class:
Initialize(), Clear(), Count(), Fill(), Get(), Put(), Toggle(), HasSet(), FromString(), FromStringBase64(), ToString(), ToStringBase64()​
TiledBitmapDrawable object:
Initialize(), Initialize2()​

Image library (MFImage.jar)
Base functions:
Version(), Copyright(), Alpha(), ApplyMatrix(), ARGB2HSV(), ARGB2HSV2(), ARGBdecode(), ARGBencode(), ARGBencode2(), ARGBtoHSV(), ARGBtoHSV2(), BitmapCreate(), BitmapCreate2(), BitmapCreate565(), BitmapToHSV(), BitmapToString(), BitmapToString2(), BitmapToString3(), BlackAndWhite(), BlackAndWhite2(), BlackAndWhite3(), Blue(), Blur(), Blur2(), Blur3(), ColorAnalogous(), ColorComplementary(), ColorComplementaryTriad(), ColorModifiedTriad(), ColorNearComplementary(), ColorSplitComplementary(), ColorSwap(), ColorSwap2(), ColorSwap3(), ColorTriad(), Convolve(), Convolve2(), Convolve3(), CreateMaskedBitmap(), Crop(), Crop2(), Edge(), Edge2(), Edge3(), EffectBrightness(), EffectContrast(), EffectHue(), EffectPolaroid(), EffectSaturation(), Emboss(), Emboss2(), Emboss3(), Engrave(), Engrave2(), Engrave3(), Fill(), FillAlpha(), FillColor(), GetDensity(), Grayscale(), Grayscale2(), Grayscale3(), Green(), HSV(), HSV2(), HSVtoARGB(), HSVtoARGB2(), Invert(), Invert2(), Invert3(), LoadBitmap(), LoadBitmap2(), LoadBitmapWithOverlay(), LoadMaskedBitmap(), LoadMaskedBitmap2(), Mirror(), Mirror2(), Posterize(), Posterize2(), Posterize3(), QuickBlur(), QuickEdge(), QuickEdge2(), QuickSoft(), Red(), Resize(), RGB2HSV(), RGB2HSV2(), RGBencode(), RGBencode2(), RGBtoHSV(), RGBtoHSV2(), Rotate(), Rotate2(), RotateFixed(), RotateFixed2(), RotateFixed3(), SaveBitmap(), Scale(), Scale2(), Sepia(), Sepia2(), Sepia3(), Sepia4(), SetDensity(), SetDisabled(), SetDisabled2(), SetDisabled3(), SetPressed(), SetPressed2(), SetPressed3(), Sharpen(), Sharpen2(), Sharpen3(), Skew(), Skew2(), Smooth(), Smooth2(), Smooth3(), Sobel(), Sobel2(), Sobel3(), Solarize(), Solarize2(), StringToBitmap(), StringToBitmap2(), StringToBitmap3(), Threshold(), Threshold2(), Translate(), YUV2Bitmap(), YUV2Bitmap565()​
Matrix class:
Initialize(), Initialize2(), Assign(), Assign2(), Background(), Filter(), NeededSize(), NeededSize2(), PostRotate(), PostScale(), PostSkew(), PostTranslate(), PreRotate(), PreScale(), PreSkew(), PreTranslate(), Reset(), SetRotate(), SetScale(), SetSkew(), SetTranslate(), SetValues()​
ColorMatrix class:
Initialize(), Initialize2(), Initialize3(), Append(), Append2(), Assign(), Count(), ID(), Name(), Names(),
Face detect class:
Initialize(), Detect(), NumberOfFaces(), Confidencs(), EyesDistance(), MidPoint(), Pose(), FaceRect()​

Math parser library (MFParser.jar)
Parse(), CreateUserFunction(), VariableClear(), VariableExist(), VariableGet(), VariableRemove(), VariableSet()​

ImageCropper view (MFImageCropper.jar)
Like CropImageView​

Joystick and Slider view (MFJoy.jar)

Lua script interpreter (MFLibLua.jar)
Lua 5.2 interpreter to script your app. It contains the complete MFLib base library because many of these functions are implemented as Lua functions.
You can implement your own functions in the interpreter.​

Example apps for base, image, parser and Lua functions included.

Additionally the package contains the MFLib native Library selector (Windows program).
With this selector you can select which native library platforms (arm, arm v7, arm 64, x86, ...) should be included in the libs, individually for each project.

Drawback: this new version is donationware and not free.

For a donation of at least 10 Euro i will send you the download info for the base library setup (all functions/objects and the examples, but without the Lua library).
On library updates i inform you with download info for the new version.

For a donation of 15 Euro i will send you the download info for the extended library setup (all functions/objects and the examples, including the Lua library).

For a donation of 20 Euro i will send you the download info for the extended library setup and for the max library setup when available (end of year/beginning next year).
The max library is same as the extended library and additionally with motion detection class.

The old version 1.07 will be free forever but it's not longer maintained.


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Hello Mafu , I wanted to know if the library trasfoma the immagione, also works as a crop image and the camera and almost as opencv or similar faxes to the images, I would like to donate to max library.


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hi, if you can send them to me at this email address roberto1964.rt@gmail.com transaction code 0YL43441MA444901H
Sorry, i have no donation with this transaction code in my paypal account. I have one from today, but name and code completely differs.


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Ok, i found it. The donation is from Gioia Tantari. Curiously, the transaction code is completely different. I send you the download link later when i'm at home (the mail goes to the address registered in the paypal account).


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Ok, i found it. The donation is from Gioia Tantari. Curiously, the transaction code is completely different. I send you the download link later when i'm at home (the mail goes to the address registered in the paypal account).
no if you kindly send it to me a roberto1964.rt this post. @ gmail.com, I'm sorry for my english greetings


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You sent two setup 1 MFLib_Base_Setup_2.01 MFLib_Extended_Setup_2.01 and the other, I have to install both of them or just MFLib_Extended_Setup_2.01?


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I installed both the setup, but when I load the examples from this mistake, I configured path of installed libraries but I always make the same mistake


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I installed both the setup, but when I load the examples from this mistake, I configured path of installed libraries but I always make the same mistake
In "C:\Program Files" you have only read access with your user account. Therefore you must move the examples dir to another place.
But in general it's not a good idea installing Basic4Android under "C:\Program Files". You should consider to install it on another place (with full write access).


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Also missing MF_RenderScript
Sorry. This is an error in the sample, remove the line and all lines which depends on it. The RenderScript lib is not yet included. Maybe in one of the next updates, but at the moment i have stability problems with this lib on different devices.


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HI manfred

sadly version 2.01 doesn't have the append3, append4 and some other functions (like assign2 assign3) functions.


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hi, I would like to accomplish as seen in the photo using MF_Image and Rect Canvas steps that the rectangle on the point that buries croppa and only then, and disappears when it is out of that point as "FaceDetect"
sub Camera1_Preview(Data() As Byte)

If counter = 0 Then
timeDiff = DateTime.Now
End If
counter = counter + 1
Dim size As CameraSize = camEx.GetPreviewSize
If MF_Image.YUV2Bitmap565(Data, size.Width, size.Height, camBmp) Then

r.Initialize(30,50, 200,100)

ExDraw.drawRect(c, r, Paint)

ImageView_Camera.Bitmap = camBmp

ImageView1.Bitmap = MF_Image.Crop2(camBmp,30,50, 200,100,True)
End If
If counter = 10 Then
timeDiff = DateTime.Now - timeDiff
Dim ms As Float = timeDiff / 10
Dim fps As Float = 1000 / ms
LabelInfo.Text = size.Width & "x" & size.Height & ": " & NumberFormat(ms, 1, 2) & "ms = " & NumberFormat(fps, 1, 2) & "fps / " ' & numFaces
counter = 0
End If
End Sub
thank you


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Sent you 20€ with paypal yesterday at 11:57AM.

Paypal transaction ID is 14E06571L61963327.

After paiement the return page run with errors so I don't received the library.


Well-Known Member
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Sent you 20€ with paypal yesterday at 11:57AM.

Paypal transaction ID is 14E06571L61963327.

After paiement the return page run with errors so I don't received the library.
Hi archeus

Paypal sent me the currently the info mail about your donation. I will send you the download link when i'm at home in a few hours.