B4A Library [Lib] UltimateListView


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One more question:
What are the licensing terms for ULV?

Excerpt of the license:
By purchasing the UltimateListView package, you are granted the right to include the provided classes and libraries in any BasicForAndroid project, commercial or non-commercial, without any restriction.

The libraries must be linked to your project and included in a APK file prior to any release to a third-party.

The classes must be compiled with the obfuscation enabled.

You cannot distribute or resell any part of this package without my consentment.


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New version 1.3

To my customers: I just sent an email for the new version 1.3. Check your spam folder if there's nothing in your inbox. The next version will be probably to download from a server because you are too numerous now and I don't trust bulk emails.

I'm working on an improved algorithm for the display cache because some new tablets and smartphones allocate a ridiculous amount of memory to each program compared to their screen resolution. For example, a Nexus 7 has a heap size of 64MB for a 1280x740 screen, which is proportionally less than most mid-range smartphones (32 MB for 854x480).
That leads to some Out of Memory exceptions in extreme cases and I want to avoid this.


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Hi Federic,

Just quick question: Can UltimateListView speed up when loading phone's contact? I used example code but the speed is very low.

Thank you.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Federic,

Just quick question: Can UltimateListView speed up when loading phone's contact? I used example code but the speed is very low.

Thank you.

I can't say anything without viewing your code. I don't know how you load the data in the list. Use my email if you want to send me your project.
As a general rule, if a data is very slow to retrieve, the UltimateListView can't do anything for that. But in this case, there's no reason for a slow access to data stored on the device.


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I just donated 25 euros, merry christmas.


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reading images from db

Hi all.

Does anyone know how to insert directly images stored on a db? I have articles and images stored on a mysql db file and I want to use ULV to show image+description + price.


Merry Chirstmas!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all.

Does anyone know how to insert directly images stored on a db? I have articles and images stored on a mysql db file and I want to use ULV to show image+description + price.


Merry Chirstmas!

With the next version, you will be able to access a SQLite database with LoadImageAsync. Unfortunately, that won't work with a remote MySQL DB (or any other non-SQlite engine).
But there's a solution: get your bitmaps the usual way (with a query) and put them yourself in the cache once loaded (FeedDiskCacheWithBitmap and FeedMemoryCacheWithBitmap). LoadImageAsync will use the local copy in cache (set location to an empty string).


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Hi Federic!
If I want to load an sqlite database instead of a CSV file, is it possible? I need to modify data via cell edit. :sign0188:
Best Regards!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Federic!
If I want to load an sqlite database instead of a CSV file, is it possible? I need to modify data via cell edit. :sign0188:
Best Regards!


You have two examples demonstrating this: Demo_DBTable (small database) and Demo_WordDBTable (huge database). The right solution depends on the size of your SQLite database.
When you edit a cell, send the changes to the database with an update query.


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You have two examples demonstrating this: Demo_DBTable (small database) and Demo_WordDBTable (huge database). The right solution depends on the size of your SQLite database.
When you edit a cell, send the changes to the database with an update query.

Thank's :)


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I sent an email to each customer with a download link for the version 2.1. If you do not see anything in your inbox, check your spam folder, and if you still do not see anything, send me an email.

I'm sorry i did not find the images table used in Gallery2


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I'm trying to complete a list with ~1000 small gifs (8kb) , but I always get the message out of memory around 250 loaded, I've tried various solutions as a checklist, scrollview, etc.

Is your library will be able to resolve this?


  • customview.zip
    33.6 KB · Views: 449


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If I use this 'UltimateListView' is it going to work with the AHQuickAction ?

At the minute the AHQuickView is not displaying correctly when you press a label or button etc from a ScrollView (when you scroll down the list). So I am wondering if using the 'UltimateListView' is going help any?

You can view my code on this page: http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4andr...-ahquickaction-not-working-my-scrollview.html

Any ideas how to get my sample working the way it is or am I better to use the 'UltimateListView' ?