B4A Library [Library] ComboBox

This is a windows/Linux/Mac style combobox with a drop down item list. It is highly customizable and easy to use. The package includes a demo project and documentation on how to use each method. Below is a list of methods in the library.

==== NOTE ====
This is version 1.27 of the combobox. See the 1.27 changes at the end of this post. The class source is now included in the zip file.

The zip file includes a test project with the class source of the combobox.

Jem Miller
Version: 1.27
  • MLComboBox
    • ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As String)
    • ItemLongClick (Position As Int, Value As String)
    • TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
      Tests whether the object has been initialized.
    • Additem (Item As String, Img As BitmapWrapper) As String
      Adds an item to the dropdown list. With or without a bitmap.
      Item - the text to add
      Img - The bitmap to add. Pass Null for no bitmap.
    • Additemat (Position As Int, Item As String, Img As BitmapWrapper) As String
      Adds an item to the dropdown list at a specified position.
      Position - the position to insert the item. Must be 0 to Size - 1
      Item - the text to add
      Img - The bitmap to add. Pass Null for no bitmap.
    • Asview As PanelWrapper
      Pass this to the AddView call of the Activity or Panel after you initialize the combobox.

      cb.Initialize(Activity, Me, Panel1, "cb")
      Panel1.AddView(cb.AsView,0 ,0, 150dip, 40dip)
    • Buttoncolor (fgColor As Int, bgColor As Int) As String
      Changes the button foreground and background colors.
    • Buttonicon (Bmp As BitmapDrawable) As String
      Sets a bitmap to the button.
      The default V will NOT be visible
      The Button Is 30dip wide by Height tall, and will fill the Button centered.
    • Clear As String
      Clears all entries of the combobox and dropdown list.
    • Color (bgColor As Int) As String
      Sets the color of the combobox
    • Comboedit_textchanged (Old As String, New As String) As String
    • Dropclose As String
      Closes the dropdown list.
    • Dropcolor (newColor As Int) As String
      Sets the color of the dropdown list.
    • Dropopen As String
      Opens the dropdown list. Can be used for Menu key press.
      Self adjusts for the Activity height so the drop down does not go past the bottom of the screen.
      Also resizes itself for long lists.
    • Dropshowing As Boolean
      Returns True if the drop down box is being shown.
    • Droptextcolor (newColor As Int) As String
      Sets the text size of the dropdown list.
    • Droptextsize (newSize As Int) As String
      Sets the text size of the dropdown list.
    • Getitem (Position As Int) As String
      Returns the text at Position number given
    • Gettext As String
      Gets or sets the value of the combo box.
    • Indexof (Txt As String) As Int
      Returns the position number of the text item given in Txt.
    • Initialize (Owner As ActivityWrapper, Module As Object, Parent As ConcreteViewWrapper, Event As String) As String
      Initializes the object.
      Parent - The calling Activity.
      Caller - Module name. Must be Me
      Parent - The parent panel. Pass null if the combobox is not being added to a panel.
      Event - Name of your ItemSelected(Position as Int, Value as String) event. Use "" if no event is needed.

      cb.Initialize(Activity, Me, Null, "cb")
    • Linecolor (newColor As Int) As String
      Changes the Line color of Borders and lines between items
    • Removeitemat (Position As Int) As Boolean
      Removes an item from the dropdown list at a specified position.
    • Setbuttonwidth (newWidth As Int) As String
      Sets the width of the drop down button. Default width is 30dip.
      The button height is the same as the component Height - 2Dip.
    • Setdefault (Position As Int) As String
      Sets the item to show in the combobox.
    • Sethint (Txt As String) As String
      Sets the hint displayed if the combo text is empty.
      Default is Touch to display list.
    • Size As Int
      Returns the number of items in the dropdown list.
    • Txtcolor (TextColor As Int) As String
      Sets the text color of the combobox.
    • Txtsize (TextSize As Int) As String
      Sets the text size of the combobox.
    • Buttonwidth As Int
      Sets the width of the drop down button. Default width is 30dip.
      The button height is the same as the component Height - 2Dip.
    • Default As Int
      Sets the item to show in the combobox.
    • Height As Int
      Gets or sets the Height.
    • Hint As String
      Sets the hint displayed if the combo text is empty.
      Default is Touch to display list.
    • Left As Int
      Gets or sets the left position of the combobox.
    • Readonly As Boolean
      Get or Set the text box as read only or editable
      Pass True for read only mode or False if the user can enter a value not in the Dropdown list
    • Text As String
      Gets or sets the value of the combo box.
    • Top As Int
      Gets or sets the Top position of the combobox.
    • Width As Int
      Gets or sets the Width.

Note that in b4a 2.7x and up the properties appear as normal properties and not as individual items. For example setHeight and getHeight will not appear in the IDE. Instead a single Height property will set or get the value. This is true for Top, Left, Width, Text, and others as well.

I'm sure there are going to be some issues or requests, so don't hesitate to report something.

--- Jem

- Version 1.00 - Initial release.

- Version 1.20 - Many fixes and additions. Added the AsView method to allow for use in a panel or activity (see the docs inside the .zip file). Includes an updated demo project. Added the ability to add bitmaps to the drop down items. If a bitmap is not needed, pass Null to the Img parameter of AddItem or AddItemAt. Bitmap items will display along with non bitmap items in the same drop down list. Changed the display of the component a bit. Added setHint to display a hint in the text box if it is empty (defaults to Touch for list). Read the included MLComboBox.txt file for more instructions and examples.

- Version 1.21 - Minor fixes and tweeks.

- Version 1.22 - The text box is now editable.

- Version 1.23 - This version adds a setText method to set the text of the text box. It also ensures that the dropdown displays on top of any other elements in your layout. The test project was also modified slightly.

- Version 1.25 - This version cures some problems mentioned in the comments and a few that I found as well. The dropdown is now free-floating so that it can resize or reposition itself as needed to keep the list on the screen.

- Version 1.26 - This version changes the way the dropdown is displayed if the parent is a panel (pass the panel as the Parent parameter in the initialize method or null if adding to an activity).

- Version 1.27 - Added the ReadOnly property. This property defaults to TRUE. Set this to FALSE if you want the user to be able to edit the text box or to add text without selecting an item from the dropdown box. This may require you to change your existing code!

- Version 1.28 - Added the ItemLongClick event. This will fire if an item in the drop down list is long pressed.



  • MLComboBox-1.28.zip
    25.3 KB · Views: 2,240
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Well-Known Member
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Version 1.28 is attached in the first post. It adds the ItemLongClick event.

--- Jem

Stu Graham

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Longtime User
Sorry for the most basic of questions, but, can this control be added to a designer like the spinner control or button? Or does it have to be added via code, as in the example?



Well-Known Member
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can't understand why I can't add view with
Activity.AddView(cb.AsView, 0, 0, 300dip, 40dip)
but I must put setLeft(...).

Please, explain.


Active Member
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hi hotshoe, your library is very usefull.. i have a problem with the event itemclick, when i press a item of the combobox list, the event doesn't start.. can you give me some help?

part of code:
dim dir as string

Sub combo1_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As String)
If Value = "sdcard" Then
dir = File.DirInternal
dir = File.DirRootExternal
End If
End Sub


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Longtime User


The last parameter, eventname, should be a STRING
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Sorry for the most basic of questions, but, can this control be added to a designer like the spinner control or button? Or does it have to be added via code, as in the example?

It does need to be added in code and not through the designer.

but I must put setLeft(...).

Please, explain.

I do not know why this is, but it is. You need to set the position after it is added.

--- Jem