Win8 has some good things about it. There are also some start menu replacement apps but the one i tried was too slow.
I dont really think your issue is a win8 issue, more of a setup issue.
Maybe you do a clean install of B4A in a non-system area and move your project (infact unzip this one).
I am sure you must have tried everything though.
Yep, tried all that... to no avail.
Anyways, 450 bucks later, got me a new Acer AMD 8 with quad (remember the mechanic on Red Green?), 8 gig ram and 1 TB drive 15 inch laptop.
Set it all up, compiled the app and...... wait for it...... SUCCESS!!!!!
Reminds me of a funny story... which I witnessed...
Back in my youth and my home province, Nova Scotia, I worked in the bush cutting trees for firewood (birch, maple and oak). The guy I worked for bought a brand new power saw. After 15 minutes it quit. After 2 frustrating hours of trying to start it - he finally gave up.
Instead of taking it back to the shop from where he bought it, he dug a hole with his backhoe - and buried it...
Likewise, one can find my old XP box in my backyard - 2 feet under... RIP u POS...
Yes, Win 8 ain't all that bad - just a wee bit different.
Thanks for all your help TDS. A true friend (to very many) indeed.
Erel should have a contest for most helpful... which excludes himself... otherwise, whats the point?