Hi to all
I needed for an application the ability to translate texts according to the selected language but it had to work offline and searching around I found LibreTranslate (free) although as suggeed by Mash there are others like Argos, Apertium...
I working with Windows had to first install linux on windows with the microsoft utility WLS and installed the package with docker
After that it will be available as http server on port 5000
For those who know a different and better solution than doker for windows to achieve this can communicate it here, thanks.
I needed for an application the ability to translate texts according to the selected language but it had to work offline and searching around I found LibreTranslate (free) although as suggeed by Mash there are others like Argos, Apertium...
I working with Windows had to first install linux on windows with the microsoft utility WLS and installed the package with docker
After that it will be available as http server on port 5000
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
CallSubDelayed(Me, "Go")
End Sub
Sub Go
Dim linguasorg As String = "it"
Dim linguadest As String = "en"
Dim tradurre As String = "Io Amo B4x, grazie Erel"
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Dim json As JSONGenerator
json.Initialize(CreateMap("q": tradurre, "source": linguasorg, "target": linguadest, _
"format": "text", "api_key": ""))
j.PostString($"http://localhost:5000/translate"$, json.ToString)
Wait For(j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
Dim b As Boolean = j.Success
If b Then
Dim jpars As JSONParser
Log(jpars.NextObject.GetDefault("translatedText", "??"))
End If
End Sub
For those who know a different and better solution than doker for windows to achieve this can communicate it here, thanks.