Back to the Listview
Amazing Support.
I did find:
SetSelection (Position As Int)
Sets the currently selected item. Calling this method will make this item visible.
If the user is interacting with the list with the keyboard or the wheel button the item will also be visibly selected.
Example: ListView1.SetSelection(10)
But it does not seen to work...
I am updating a MySql table and I just want the Listview to return the item that was clicked. Some list can be very long...
In my example below I just want the listview to show Item 15 and not be at the top to avoid scrolling.
My Code Below: Label5_Click
Sub Label5_Click
F3 = Label3.Text
F4 = Label4.text
' Table Field #1 Field #2
ExecuteRemoteQuery("UPDATE x1_my_desk SET ActualCount = " & "'" & F3 & "'" & " , ReOrderQty = " & "'" & F4 & "'" & " WHERE Deskitem = " & "'" & F2 & "'", Q_UPDATE)
ExecuteRemoteQuery("SELECT Deskitem, ActualCount, ReOrderQty, UnitOf FROM x1_my_desk where Desk = " & "'" & F1 & "'" & " order by Deskitem", Q_SELECT)
ListView1.Visible = True
ToastMessageShow("...Changes Posted...",True)
End Sub