I would like to contribute to the never-ending question of how to load local HTML files into a WebView. The reason are the following recently asked questions (here and here by @Justmer Rivera ), which I found unanswered.
Therefore I would like to give an example of how the library UltimateWebView2 and the contained WebViewAssetLoader can be used to load an HTML file from DirInternal, which refers to other local resources (e.g. an image below the images folder) within the HTML source code.
I have summarized the most important parts of the solution here:
Attached you will find a working B4A example project. You will need the additional Libraries WebViewExtras2 and WebViewSettings to run it:
Therefore I would like to give an example of how the library UltimateWebView2 and the contained WebViewAssetLoader can be used to load an HTML file from DirInternal, which refers to other local resources (e.g. an image below the images folder) within the HTML source code.
I have summarized the most important parts of the solution here:
Sub Globals
Private WebView1 As WebView
' from lib: WebViewExtras2 and WebViewSettings
Private WebViewEx As WebViewExtras
Private WebViewClient As DefaultWebViewClient
' from lib: UltimateWebView2
Private WebViewAssetLoader1 As WebViewAssetLoader
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
' Prepare Views
' Copy test data
File.MakeDir(File.DirInternal, "images")
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "test.html", File.DirInternal, "test.html")
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "test.jpg", File.Combine(File.DirInternal, "images"), "test.jpg")
End Sub
Private Sub WebViewClient_ShouldInterceptRequest(Url As String) As WebResourceResponse
Log("URL: " & Url)
Dim Response As WebResourceResponse
Dim ResponseReceived As WebResourceResponse
ResponseReceived = WebViewAssetLoader1.ShouldInterceptRequest(Url)
If Not(ResponseReceived = Null) And ResponseReceived.IsInitialized Then
Response.Initialize(ResponseReceived.GetMimeType, ResponseReceived.GetEncoding, ResponseReceived.GetData)
Return Response
End If
' In case the URL fails to load, we receive an exception here
Log("URL not found: " & Url)
End Try
Return Null
End Sub
Attached you will find a working B4A example project. You will need the additional Libraries WebViewExtras2 and WebViewSettings to run it:
Hi all. Here's a new library that makes it easy to set and get various WebView WebSettings. Note that the official documentation for many of these settings is rather brief, sometimes vague or virtually non-existent! Here is an alphabetical list of all methods with a short description. I've...

Hi all. WebViewExtras is my latest library. It's a much updated version of JSInterface. WebViewExtras exposes more of the available native Android WebView methods to your B4A application: addJavascriptInterface(webView1 As WebView, interfaceName As String) Add a javascript interface to...