looking for Translators...


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just had a look at your file.

When I look at the German translation I wondered the following.

I'm an IT guy and use english term inbetween dutch explanations all the time
but these are not always known for the so called n00bs or people with limited english knowledge.

I see this happening in the german translation aswell ("Automatische Backup Erinnerung aktivieren")
while there are "translated words" for things like backup.
(in dutch it can be "Reservekopie" which is translated something like "spare/preserved copy")

So which one are we supposed to use?
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Backup is a word that everybody that has a PC should understand also from afganistan

but in german u can say also SICHERUNG

sichern means save...

you could tranlsate it like this: Automatische Sicherungserinnerung aktivieren"


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go outside and ask 10 people what backup is, I think you would be surprised how many don't know what it is.
(especially 30+)

and like you said pc people... tablets open a new world for a lot of people who didn't want to touch a normal pc before so they don't know the therms either.

edit: wasn't save translated to speicheren or something (remember it from some german c64 apps)


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speichern is also save
but sichern is make backup

this word can use in some meanings

like save for me a place = sicher mir ein Platz

but sicher is also = "sure"

its difficult if a word has some meanings and can use in some ways

go outside and ask 10 people what backup is, I think you would be surprised how many don't know what it is.
(especially 30+)

u are maybe right, but what can i tell you i invest a lot of time to translate my app in multilanguage, its not
100% perfect, but i think its enough to understand what its all about


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another issue

reset & restore can be translated to the same word when you see it as "repair"

don't know what the reset function in your app actually does, is it resetting a form back to its initial state?
or is it resetting app settings?


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no it cannot set to the same word

because restore means in my app restore the last backup...

and reset means clear all fields...

restore = wiederherstellen (german)
reset = rücksetzen (german)


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thanks for all your help guys, got until now 5 new translations,
turkish - by fatih sahin
french - by klaus
danish - by Jakob "MaxApps"
romana - by hookshy
german - me
english - me
russian - google translate (need correction)
spanish - alex lopez

need more guys, russian, chinese, italian, ... all language are welcome


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I tried to translate it (italian), but it is not complete (I have to look at your app and see what are "shifts").

But I have an idea, I do not know in to which section put it.

We could ask to create a special section in the site in which, as in your case, a person shall publish its translations made with Google Translate and asks friends in B4A to correct them.

Ask to translate everything, even if in only one language, it seems to me exaggerated (i need this too, but i do not dare to ask so much)


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shifts are the working shifts like night shift, day shift,....

but i do not dare to ask so much

WHY? I AM READY TO PAY, and if someone is so kind and dont want any money belive me if i can do something for him i will,
you help me today tommorow i help you, like this we all will make profit from it


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Was almost finished with the dutch translation and then I noticed that Sorex is busy with it as well.
The sheet "menu" contains a nice English text on row 60. Sure that many would like to enter YES

Success with your app.



  • lang.zip
    29.4 KB · Views: 355


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wow, thanx a lot for the dutch translation

its a little bit like german, right?

i understand some words...

thanx a lot for spending your time on it !


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The sheet "menu" contains a nice English text on row 60. Sure that many would like to enter YES

you mean to change the work? (lol, yes thats true )

i gave the possibility to change between two different jobs, so if you have 2 jobs you can set every job with different salary, shifts, etc...


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I've corrected German. (for Free)


  • lang-deutsch.zip
    31.4 KB · Views: 361


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I've corrected German. (for Free)

Danke dir, i hab geglaubt dass ich schon Deutsch sprechen kann, anscheinend nicht gut genug

Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache und hab auch lange kein Deutsch gesprochen (die Sprache ist bei mir etwas eingerosttet)

Nochmals vielen Dank fuer deine Muehe und gutes Programmieren in 2014


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Yes, Deutsch and Dutch have a lot in common, even though Dutch is simplified over the years.
Row 60 says massage instead of message, ha, ha.
Two years ago a lot of people translated my B4A app in various languages and I like translating so now and then, so everybody feel free to ask.


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Merlot: thanks, saves me some brainstorming

Some of your translations are "too direct" or are using the english term like I mentioned in my first post.

But still better than nothing at all so Ilan can be satisfied with it.


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Ilan: I just wonder if it can be used for "foreign" wages systems at all. stuff like that canbe totally different from one country to another. (didn't check out the app yet)
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