I restarted my PC after experiencing some DNS issues and I re-opened my project only to be presented with the following error message:
"Error loading file. The given key was not present in the dictionary".
Upon inspecting my project file with a text editor, the only thing it contains are "NULL" blocks. So I tried to save my other modules and they contain the same freaking thing. So after that I decided to save my layout files.. Nope..... The same freaking thing as the code modules and project file: Nothing but "NULL" blocks meaning hours of work lost because of a "feature" unique to B4X. (No other IDE that I've used overwrites every damn file with "NULL" blocks upon a system restart.)
"Error loading file. The given key was not present in the dictionary".
Upon inspecting my project file with a text editor, the only thing it contains are "NULL" blocks. So I tried to save my other modules and they contain the same freaking thing. So after that I decided to save my layout files.. Nope..... The same freaking thing as the code modules and project file: Nothing but "NULL" blocks meaning hours of work lost because of a "feature" unique to B4X. (No other IDE that I've used overwrites every damn file with "NULL" blocks upon a system restart.)