Android Tutorial Make sure you are enrolled in new 15% Play Store Fee

If you receive an email from google announcing the new 15% service fee (instead of 30%) that looks like this:

I was a little confused of why do I have to create a group if I only have one developer account.

Well, you do need to create a group and click "Add Developer Account" even if you have only one developer account to properly enroll in the new 15% tier.

Just follow these steps:

When you click the "Create an account Group" link in the email, just name the new group, and you should see your developer account as the "Primary Account".

Then, (I forgot to get a screen shot), at this point there should be a link in the lower right of this screen that says something like "Add Developer Account". You need to Click it even though your developer account is already listed as "Primary" and you have no other developer accounts!

You should then see a screen like this:

Click Save.

Then you should be presented with a "Associated Developers Account" page with a card at the top that says something like "Enroll in 15% fee". Click it and click "Save and Enroll".

At the end, you should be presented again with the "Associated developer Account" page, but now there should be a new card confirming that you are actually enrolled in the 15% tier:

Just make sure you see the above green-checkmark card to confirm you're enrolled.
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Then, (I forgot to get a screen shot), at this point there should be a link in the lower right of this screen that says something like "Add Developer Account". Click it.

Thanks. I thought I was enrolled in 15% by creating "Create an account Group" but turns out I did not get 15%. I missed that part.


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Because Google dont allow multi developer account, so i think they will ban all account if you add to group LOL


Well-Known Member
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I just received this message from Google, but do I have to register - can I ignore it? ...


Licensed User
Longtime User
I just received this message from Google, but do I have to register - can I ignore it? ...
Do you have in-app purchases in your apps?
If yes, why don't make the register and pay 15% service fee instead of 30%?
If you don't make sales, you can ignore this e-mail.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Do you have in-app purchases in your apps?
If yes, why don't make the register and pay 15% service fee instead of 30%?
If you don't make sales, you can ignore this e-mail.
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