I am using OSMDroid to create a navi for waterways. It is basically working but....
The main activity calls the navi activity via the TouchEventsOverlay1_LongCLick event. The navi activity calculates a path and creates a series of markers stored in list "Markers", which is globally dimensioned in the main activity. After finishing the navi activity, the main resume event is called and using the rapid debugger, I can see that there are eg. 15 markers in the list but they do not show on the map.
Can anyone see what is going on in the code before I have to post the whole source code?
The main activity calls the navi activity via the TouchEventsOverlay1_LongCLick event. The navi activity calculates a path and creates a series of markers stored in list "Markers", which is globally dimensioned in the main activity. After finishing the navi activity, the main resume event is called and using the rapid debugger, I can see that there are eg. 15 markers in the list but they do not show on the map.
Can anyone see what is going on in the code before I have to post the whole source code?
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Dim TileSource As String="Mapnik" 'Mapnik, OSMPublicTransport, MapquestOSM
Dim dt As String="Maptemp" 'Filename for screenshot
Dim FirstPointLon, FirstPointLat, SecondPointLon, SecondPointLat As Double 'Gps coordinates of start and finish markers
Dim FirstPointClicked As Boolean=False
Dim Timer1 As Timer 'Used to create a delay
Dim NordValues(4) As Double 'Returns lat & lon of bounding box for markers
Dim ActWidth, ActHeight As Int 'activity height & width
Dim Markers As List
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Dim MapView1 As MapView
Dim MapCenter As GeoPoint
Dim TouchEventsOverlay1 As TouchEventsOverlay 'Allows click & long click events
Dim SimpleLocationOverlay1 As SimpleLocationOverlay
' Dim BoundaryBox As BoundingBox
Dim FirstMarker, SecondMarker As Marker
Dim MarkersOverlay1 As MarkersOverlay
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
Markers.Initialize 'initialise list for markers
Timer1.Initialize( "Timer1",500)
' pass an EventName when initializing the MapView
' MapView has two events: CenterChanged and ZoomChanged
Activity.AddView(MapView1, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
MapCenter.Initialize(47.3763900,15.0911300) 'Leoben as center
Activity.Title="OSMDroid ["&MapView1.Zoom&"]"
'Log("MapView1.Center: " & MapView1.GetCenter)
'initialize the SimpleLocationOverlay and add it to the MapView
'set the SimpleLocationOverlay to display it's icon at the map center
'initialize the MarkersOverlay and add it to the MapView
'an EventName is required as we will listen for the two events that MarkersOverlay generates
MarkersOverlay1.Initialize(MapView1, "") 'No events
'Add touch events to map
'Log("Before Timer1: " & MapView1.GetBoundingBox2(MapView1.Width, MapView1.Height))
Timer1.Enabled=True 'Wait for a short period for map to finish drawing
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
'We return here when pathfinder activity is closed
'initialize the MarkersOverlay and add it to the MapView
'an EventName is required as we will listen for the two events that MarkersOverlay generates
MarkersOverlay1.Initialize(MapView1, "") 'No events
'add the List of Markers to the MarkersOverlay
Log("Markers: " & Markers.Size)
End Sub