I am glad you got it sorted out, but in a case like that where you are dealing with that big number, you are always better off using the function numberformat2:
Dim strNumber As String =NumberFormat2(8073979 - 31620316 + 90953546 ,1,0,0,False)
Log("My Number as as string: " & strNumber) 'displays: 67407209
This big number 21269873164351 is not Int. It is long.
'This works:
Dim MyLong = 21269873164351 As Long
Dim strNumber As String =NumberFormat2(MyLong ,1,0,0,False)
Log("My long Number: " & strNumber)
'This does not work:
Dim MyInt = 21269873164351 As Int
Dim strNumber As String =NumberFormat2(MyInt ,1,0,0,False)
Log("My Int Number: " & strNumber)