Android Example maybe not so simple way to clean up texts from wikipedia api

this might be far from perfect, but it works well for me. This little routine replaces useful html tags to bb tags, and gets rid of unwanted html tags in fetched wikipedia api texts.

Sub CleaningWikipediaText(text As String) As String
    Dim firststring,laststring As String
    Dim found As Int
    Dim endfound As Int
    Dim foundstring As String
    Dim liste() As String
    ' list of useful html tags that are converted to bb tags. Watch out for [font=italic][/font] as you have to declare it in your textengine
    ' same scema: always in pairs of search string, replace string
    ' 1st escape all opening and closing square brackets in the wiki text, to prevent the app from crashing
    liste=Array As String("[","[plain][[/plain]","]","[plain]][/plain]","<b>","[b]","</b>","[/b]","<i>","[font=italic]","</i>","[/font]","<p>","","</p>",CRLF,"<h1>","[textsize=22]","</h1>","[/textsize]","<h2>","[textsize=20]","</h2>","[/textsize]","<h3>","[textsize=18]","</h3>","[/textsize]")
    For i = 0 To liste.Length-1 Step 2
        firststring = liste(i)
        laststring = liste(i+1)
    ' list of strings of html tags to delete within the main text alwais in pairs of beginning and end of the string
    ' this is useful for tags like <a href= ... > or <span id="something"> can be extended to delete other tags
    liste = Array As String("<span",">","</span",">","<ul",">","</ul",">","<li",">","</li",">","<cite",">","</cite",">")
    For  i = 0 To liste.Length-1 Step 2
        firststring = liste(i)
        laststring = liste(i+1)
        found = 0
        Do While found > -1
            found = text.IndexOf(firststring)
            If found > -1 Then
                endfound = text.IndexOf2(laststring,found)+laststring.Length
                foundstring = text.SubString2(found,endfound)
                text = text.replace(foundstring,"")
            End If
    found = 0
    Do While found > -1                            ' getting rid of redundand blanks
        found = text.IndexOf("  ")
        If found > -1 Then
            text = text.Replace("  "," ")
        End If

    text = "[Alignment=justify]"&text&"[/alignment]"                                ' Blocksatz - delete if not needed
    Return text
End Sub

The result is not perfect, and needs a little manual work afterwards, but it's a good beginning. I'm curious for a simpler way to solve this And I'm trying to get rid of redundant trippled or more line feeds.
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