Android Question Menu implementation


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I have been implementing projects with multiple pages and I finally feel that I have this topic mastered but now it is time to combine this technique with a menu to call the different pages.
I was looking around the forum and downloaded the TabMenuAdvanced project, because it seemed the most promising, but I have not been able to practice with it because I have not been able to find out which library it needs to run.
Please, what is this library? And by the way, is TabMenuAdvanced the best menu to start with?


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TabMenu are exactly that... a menu that shows as tabs...
In my opinion, it is NOT the best menu to allow the user to change between pages, as in B4XPage, but rather a menu to allows viewing different info on the same page without cluttering it.
A tab menu is the most fit to, for example, imagine a Soccer Player stats info App.... Each B4XPage would be a player... and inside each player, you would have a tabmenu to allow showing different stats, like physical stats, game stats, allowing for better user experience.
I would personally opt for a drawer menu...
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