message "Impossible to install this program on the phone"


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I have an Android 1.5 Acer E110 mobilphone with 78 MB free after OS.
I followed the tutorial creating the program "guess my number".

When i try to install it on my phone i obtain the message :
"Impossible to install the program "Guess my number" on the phone.".
(Note, i put it directly on the microsd card because i didn't success by usb, then i click it to install)

I made many tries, compiling with, and without debugging datas and debugger. Same result in all cases.

So i am wondering what i have to do, to change my phone, or to abandon my marvellous basic4android? I am lost. If i buy another android mobile phone, how can i be sure that it will accept my b4A programs.

Please can you help me!
Many thanks.
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If I recall correctly, you need at least Android 1.6 to use B4A although I have seen some tweaks posted here on the forum by Erel to get certain things to run on 1.5

From B4A's homepage: Android 1.6 and above are supported (including Android tablets).
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Message "Impossible to install"

Thank you moster67 !
Sorry for my question, i didn't notice this limit from Android 1.6 on the B4A homepage!

Now i have to change my phone...
Kind regards.
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Hi DOM85, i have a cellphone with Android 1.5 and the most projects made with B4A works well.
But you need change in your Manifest:

android:minSdkVersion = "4"


android:minSdkVersion = "3"

and make this file as Read-Only else IDE will change the minSdkVersion when you compile the project again.
Basic4Android is design for Android 1.6 and above, but the most funcitonalities works well in 1.5.
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Thanks for that information. It's good to know that perhaps certain apps can be made to run with 1.5.

Any chance you know of some things that won't work?

Sent from my HD2 using Tapatalk
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Thank you molder26 for your solution !
I red your answer too late, i have already returned my phone to the store, and i am waiting for one under Androïd 2.2.
I would have preferred to keep my phone under A1.5, and to use your method!
Many thanks.
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Any chance you know of some things that won't work?

The Phone lib doesn't work in android 1.5, but you can use the Reflector lib to use any function of this lib. It's hard to do but u can do it.
And little problems with webview in android 1.5.
TurnOn lib, doesn't work in android 1.5 but in 1.6 and above yes.
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