B4A Library MLwifi Library Updated to v4.00

Attached Java Source Code

MLWifi.zip - couldn't attach the entire Android Studio project as even zipped it was too big (900 KB) for the forum limits. If you want the entire project, private message me with your email address & I'll send it to you.

Library updated to v4.40

Added @Events so the callbacks can be auto-generated by the B4A IDE.

Library updated to v4.40

Added WifiBSSID function. Returns a string with the currently connected AP BSSID. Note that Wifi_ConnectionResult & isonline_pingdone don't require the EventName prefix.

Library updated to v4.30

Minor code tweaks & tidy up. Tested saveWifiAP, connectWifiAP, reconnectWifiAP & disconnectWifiAP on Android 4.4.2, 9 & 10.

Library updated to v4.20

Bug Fixes / Improvements:
* Added support for Android Pie.
* Improved connectivity when using saveWifiAP with Android Q+.

Library updated to v4.10


reconnectWifiAP: (reconnects to a saved Wifi network)

ssid - the name of the Wifi Network
timeout - fail if not connected within timeout (Ms)

Raises Wifi_ConnectionResult event on success or failure

NOTE FOR SDK 29+: Will only work if the network being connected to is not secured.
You can connect to the previously connected network by calling disconnectWifiAP
or a specific network by calling connectWifiAP with the correct parameters.

Private Sub connectToWifi
    Private wifi As MLwifi
    'reconnect to a Wifi network saved on this device
    wifi.reconnectWifiAP("wifissid", 30000)
End Sub

Public Sub Wifi_ConnectionResult(success As Boolean)
    If success then
        'Connected - set up sockets, etc...
        'Couldn't connect...
    End If
End Sub

Bug Fixes:

isWifiConnected now correctly reports the connection state (true or false).


(connects to an existing Wifi Network)

ssid - the name of the Wifi Network
password - the password or "" if the network is open
timeout - fail if not connected within timeout (Ms)

Raises Wifi_ConnectionResult event on success or failure

Private Sub connectToWifi
    Private wifi As MLwifi

    'To connect to an open network
    wifi.connectWifiAP("wifissid", wifi.SECURITY_OPEN, "", 30000)
    'To connect to a WPA-2 secured network
    wifi.connectWifiAP("wifissid", wifi.SECURITY_WPA2PSK, "password", 30000)
End Sub

Public Sub Wifi_ConnectionResult(success As Boolean)
    If success then
        'Connected - set up sockets, etc...
        'Couldn't connect...
    End If
End Sub

saveWifiAP: (adds a Wifi network, then optionally connects)

ssid - the name of the Wifi Network
password - the password or "" if the network is open
connect - ignored for Android Q+ (will always connect)
timeout - fail if not connected within timeout (ms)

Raises Wifi_ConnectionResult event on success or failure

Private Sub connectToWifi
    Private wifi As MLwifi

    'To save & connect to an open network
    wifi.saveWifiAP("wifissid", wifi.SECURITY_OPEN, "", True, 30000)
    'To save & connect to a WPA-2 secured network
    wifi.saveWifiAP("wifissid", wifi.SECURITY_WPA2PSK, "password", True, 30000)
End Sub

Public Sub Wifi_ConnectionResult(success As Boolean)
    If success then
        'Connected - set up sockets, etc...
        'Couldn't connect...
    End If
End Sub

disconnectWifiAP: (disconnects from a Wifi network)

    Private disconnected As Boolean = MLwifi.disconnectWifiAP

Note that the connectWifiAP & saveWifiAP functions no longer return a Boolean. They now raise the Wifi_ConnectionResult(success As Boolean) callback event.

I haven't made any changes to any other library functions, nor have I tested them - so if there are functions that aren't working correctly, you'll have to let me know & I'll take a look at them. I also haven't tested the functions I did change/add beyond a couple of use cases (connecting to an ESP8266 Access Point & connecting to my home Wifi), so if there are situations that it doesn't work correctly in, you'll have to let me know.

Also note that there are some Android Q+ Wifi behaviors that are quite different to before, so I suggest you take a look at the android.net.wifi reference to give you a better idea of how the deprecated functions have been re-implemented.

- Colin.


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Android29+ results (please ignore the ones above):
Android 10 AP CLEARED in device settings
permissions OK
Connect to New
Android 10 + connect
SDK: 29
[MLwifi] (Q+) Connecting to XXXXXXXX
** Activity (main) Pause event (activity is not paused). **
** Activity (main) Resume **
[MLwifi] Connected to XXXXXXXX
Set AP = true : XXXXXXXX
Reconnect to old
Reset AP = true : XXXXXXXX    [Reporting true but wrong AP - Second run below shows correct AP]
Reconnect to old
Reset AP = true : TALKTALKCBE7C4

[Those on-screen messages make it look like the most un-professional software ever!!! Thanks Google!]

Android 10 AP MANUALLY SAVED in device settings
permissions OK
Connect to New
Android 10 + connect
SDK: 29
[MLwifi] (Q+) Connecting to XXXXXXXX
** Activity (main) Pause event (activity is not paused). **
** Activity (main) Resume **
[MLwifi] Connected to XXXXXXXX
Set AP = true : XXXXXXXX
Reconnect to old
Reset AP = true : XXXXXXXX
Reconnect to old
Reset AP = true : TALKTALKCBE7C4

[as above]

It's a timing issue. You're calling disconnectWifiAP in your ResetAP sub, then immediately returning the result (which is fine) - however you're then immediately calling GetSSID, which is returning in some cases before the AP has been disconnected (in which case you'll get the ssid of the AP you're disconnecting from) or when it's in a state between disconnecting & reconnecting to the previous AP (in which case you'll get an "unknown ssid" message).

- Colin.


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I don't think any of
Wifi.disconnectWifiAP (Android 10 and above?)
Wifi.connectWifiAP(SSID, 0, "", Timeout)
Wifi.reconnectWifiAP(SSID, TimeOut)
work on Android 9. But maybe I'm wrong?
If that is the case then is there any way to connect to a saved network without knowing its password?


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I'll take a look at the timing issue when I get a chance
There's not much you can do other than maybe wait in a loop checking the ssid until it changes back to the value you have stored in your Old SSID var. By disconnecting from the AP your app has connected to, you're allowing the OS to fall back to the AP it was connected to previously so there's no explicit connection request & therefore no callback when the connection succeeds (or fails).

- Colin.


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I tried the wait loop on Adroid 9 without success, but I must be doing something wrong because all three of the methods (Wifi.disconnectWifiAP, Wifi.connectWifiAP(SSID, 0, "", Timeout), and Wifi.reconnectWifiAP(SSID, TimeOut) ) result in it trying to reconnect to the same AP that has just been disconnected rather than the original one!


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I've changed the test APP to include the wait loop and lay out the set and reset to make it easier to see what's happening - attached
Summary of results:
Android 4 AP not saved or saved = very slow but results OK

Android 9 AP not saved = set OK, reset fails, reverts to AP being disconnected all three options
Android 9 AP saved = sets OK
Reset = wifi.connectWifiAP option, slow(timeout period) but resets
Reset = wifi.reconnectWifiAP option, reconnect slow(timeout period) but resets
Reset = wifi.disconnectWifiAP option, sometimes works sometimes doesn't

10 AP not saved = Set and Reset OK appart from the on-screen messages
10 AP saved = Unable to reset to original AP, all three options


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Change of tack for Android 9, now using wifi.removeWifiAP instead of wifi.disconnectWifiAP to reset the AP.
Relevant code is now as follows. This has worked correctly for all versions, 4, 9 and 10 but is not reliable.
Note the 1 second timeout for API 27- reconnect. This seems to set the minimum time to return from 'reconnect'. i.e. if 30 seconds is used then it will never return in less than 30 seconds!

public Sub SetAP(APName As String, APPass As String, SecType As Int, Timeout As Int) As ResumableSub
        OldSSID = W.WifiSSID
        Select True
            Case w.APIVersion >= 29
                Log("Connect 29")
                W.connectWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
            Case w.APIVersion = 28
                Log("Connect 28")
                W.connectWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
            Case Else
                Log("27-, Save/ connect")
                W.saveWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, True, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
        End Select

        Return Success
        Log("SetAp error: " & LastException)
    End Try
    Return False
End Sub

public Sub ResetAP As ResumableSub

    Log("RAP Old SSID = " & OldSSID)

    Select True
        Case W.APIversion>= 29
            Log("29+ reset")
            Return w.disconnectWifiAP

        Case w.APIVersion = 28
            Return W.removeWifiAP(W.WifiSSID)
        Case Else
            Log("27- reset")
            W.reconnectWifiAP(OldSSID, 1000)
            wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
            Return Success
    End Select
End Sub


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Change of tack for Android 9, now using wifi.removeWifiAP instead of wifi.disconnectWifiAP to reset the AP.
Relevant code is now as follows. This has worked correctly for all versions, 4, 9 and 10 but is not reliable.
Note the 1 second timeout for API 27- reconnect. This seems to set the minimum time to return from 'reconnect'. i.e. if 30 seconds is used then it will never return in less than 30 seconds!

public Sub SetAP(APName As String, APPass As String, SecType As Int, Timeout As Int) As ResumableSub
        OldSSID = W.WifiSSID
        Select True
            Case w.APIVersion >= 29
                Log("Connect 29")
                W.connectWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
            Case w.APIVersion = 28
                Log("Connect 28")
                W.connectWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
            Case Else
                Log("27-, Save/ connect")
                W.saveWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, True, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
        End Select

        Return Success
        Log("SetAp error: " & LastException)
    End Try
    Return False
End Sub

public Sub ResetAP As ResumableSub

    Log("RAP Old SSID = " & OldSSID)

    Select True
        Case W.APIversion>= 29
            Log("29+ reset")
            Return w.disconnectWifiAP

        Case w.APIVersion = 28
            Return W.removeWifiAP(W.WifiSSID)
        Case Else
            Log("27- reset")
            W.reconnectWifiAP(OldSSID, 1000)
            wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
            Return Success
    End Select
End Sub

I'm running some tests & tweaking the code right now - however I'm 99% sure the delay issue is related to your test code. I suspect it has something to do with calling a resumable sub from another resumable sub (ie: "stacking" Wait For). If I test by making a call to any of the connect functions & using a Wifi_ConnectionResult callback sub, I don't see any delay at all.

- Colin.


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OK thanks, will be interested in your results.
In the mean time more thorough testing this morning gives the following results:
Android 4 new AP originally not saved/ but saved by first 'connect to new'

Connect to New
27-, Save/ connect
Set AP = true : XXXXXXXX        [1S]
Reconnect to old
27- reset
Unregistering Receiver
Reset AP 1 false : TALKTALKCBE7C4    [1S, incorrect false]
Reset AP 3 true : TALKTALKCBE7C4
Connect to New
27-, Save/ connect
Set AP = false : XXXXXXXX        [subsequent attempts anything up to 20S, incorrect false]
Reconnect to old
27- reset
Reset AP 1 false : TALKTALKCBE7C4    [Subsequent attempts anything up to 30S, incorrect false, corrected by wait loop]
Reset AP 3 true : TALKTALKCBE7C4

Android 9 new AP not saved            [connects but won't disconnect - reconnects to the new AP instead of the old one]
Android 9 new AP saved(but not connected)    [won't connect]

Android 10 new AP not saved            [works well, apart from the very anoying prompt to connect]
Android 10 new APsaved(but not connected)    [connects OK, but reconnects to the new AP instead of the old one]


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OK thanks, will be interested in your results.
In the mean time more thorough testing this morning gives the following results:
Android 4 new AP originally not saved/ but saved by first 'connect to new'

Connect to New
27-, Save/ connect
Set AP = true : XXXXXXXX        [1S]
Reconnect to old
27- reset
Unregistering Receiver
Reset AP 1 false : TALKTALKCBE7C4    [1S, incorrect false]
Reset AP 3 true : TALKTALKCBE7C4
Connect to New
27-, Save/ connect
Set AP = false : XXXXXXXX        [subsequent attempts anything up to 20S, incorrect false]
Reconnect to old
27- reset
Reset AP 1 false : TALKTALKCBE7C4    [Subsequent attempts anything up to 30S, incorrect false, corrected by wait loop]
Reset AP 3 true : TALKTALKCBE7C4

Android 9 new AP not saved            [connects but won't disconnect - reconnects to the new AP instead of the old one]
Android 9 new AP saved(but not connected)    [won't connect]

Android 10 new AP not saved            [works well, apart from the very anoying prompt to connect]
Android 10 new APsaved(but not connected)    [connects OK, but reconnects to the new AP instead of the old one]
The tweaking & testing I've done has the Android 4 functionality working well, so now working my way through 9 & 10. Have discovered there's an issue with Android 9 connections in that it takes a second or 2 for isWifiConnected to report true after the Wifi_ConnectionResult is fired - so if isWifiConnected is called immediately, it will erroneously report false. I'm working on a fix.

- Colin.


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OK, I look forward to the update.
Unfortunately I have to go to a funeral today so won't be able to do anything further until tomorrow.


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I was just wondering if post #4 in https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/how-does-mlwifi-actually-work.101691/ has any bearing on the re-connect problems?
Actually that was relevant - sort of... There was actually a bug in the original version of the library that would not try to connect if the id of a saved network was <= 0. Valid network ids are actually 0 to n - & the function(s) used to get the network id will return -1 in the case of a failure. I've changed so that it only declines a connection attempt if the network id comes back as -1.

- Colin.


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Updated to v4.30 in first post.

- Colin.


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I don't know what I'm doing differently but the only way I can get 9 to connect is when the new AP is manually saved first, (using wifi.connectWifiAP, not save). Then it will connect and reset the AP (using either wifi.removeWifiAP or wifi.disconnectWifiAP. Reset takes anything up to 18 seconds and occasionally I get the following error logged:
java.io.IOException: sendto failed: ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable)
    at libcore.io.IoBridge.maybeThrowAfterSendto(IoBridge.java:576)
    at libcore.io.IoBridge.sendto(IoBridge.java:544)
    at java.net.PlainDatagramSocketImpl.send(PlainDatagramSocketImpl.java:125)
    at java.net.DatagramSocket.send(DatagramSocket.java:721)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.SocketWrapper$UDPSocket$1.run(SocketWrapper.java:479)
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:458)
    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: sendto failed: ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable)
    at libcore.io.Linux.sendtoBytes(Native Method)
    at libcore.io.Linux.sendto(Linux.java:227)
    at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.sendto(BlockGuardOs.java:307)
    at libcore.io.IoBridge.sendto(IoBridge.java:542)
    ... 8 more

Android 10 works when the new AP is not saved but refuses to reset if it has been manually set
Android 4 works well and quickly, new AP saved or not.


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I don't know what I'm doing differently but the only way I can get 9 to connect is when the new AP is manually saved first, (using wifi.connectWifiAP, not save). Then it will connect and reset the AP (using either wifi.removeWifiAP or wifi.disconnectWifiAP.
On my Android 9 device, connectWifiAP will fail if the AP isn't in the saved networks list:
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
SSID: airlinemates
Connected: true
Connecting to AP
SDK: 28
[MLwifi] AP not found - is it in the device's saved list?
Success: false
Connected: true
Can't connect to Wifi

Using saveWifiAP where the AP isn't in the saved networks list:
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
SSID: airlinemates
Connected: true
Connecting to AP
[MLwifi] DispenserAP saved
[MLwifi] Connecting to "DispenserAP"
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/SCANNING, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/AUTHENTICATING, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/AUTHENTICATING, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/OBTAINING_IPADDR, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/OBTAINING_IPADDR, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
[MLwifi] Connected to "DispenserAP"
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
Success: true
Connected: true
Connected to DispenserAP:

I haven't made any changes to removeWifiAP (or tested it), so I can't comment on it, but disconnectWifiAP results in the device going back to the AP it was connected to originally. I don't know about the error you posted. There's nothing in the stack trace to say where (if anywhere) it was triggered in the library - so it might not even be coming from there.
Android 10 works when the new AP is not saved but refuses to reset if it has been manually set
I'm not sure what you mean.

Are you planning on using this library in an app? If so, you might be better off implementing it in the app & seeing what your results are. I'm not convinced that your test app isn't causing some of the issues you're seeing - especially with the nested Wait Fors you're using. I think per this tutorial you need to use sender parameters so the second Wait For doesn't overwrite the first one. I also don't think using the Wait For for Wifi_ConnectionResult is going to be useful in an actual app because you're going to want to do other stuff once you're connected to the AP (like set up sockets, etc...). I think it would be much "cleaner" to declare the Wifi_ConnectionResult callback & then put that code in there - but that's just my opinion.

Regardless, with a simple test app I have been able to get all the functionality to work per my latest comments in the first post in this thread - albeit that the Android 10 functionality is pretty flakey & doesn't necessarily work as advertised in the Android API documentation.

- Colin.
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I think for my purposes the situation is:
Pre- Android 9: all OK
Android 10: I can work within the limitation of not having the AP saved in the list. (It would be nice if I could use 'remove' to make sure it's not there, but that doesn't work as in:
            Case w.APIVersion >= 29
                Log("Connect 29")
                W.connectWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)

Android 9: I had thought of using save first, as in:
            Case w.APIVersion = 28
                Log("Save 28")
                W.saveWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, False, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
                Log("Connect 28")
                W.connectWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
but that doesn't seem to work here. I can see save worked when you tried it so I'll have to experiment some more. If I can get it working then I think I can live with what we have. (Even the very annoying Android 10 prompt!!)


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Further testing on Android 9:
Everything was getting more and more confusing so I went into the System Settings and reset all of the network settings so that nothing could remain to cause problems.
Now, using wifi.saveWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, True, Timeout) to set the new AP and wifi.removeWifiAP(W.WifiSSID) for reset IT IS WORKING!!!

I think I have a fully working solution now so can actually make some progress.
re. the 'wait fors' and '_connectionresults' all of the test App was taken from a fully working App. By which I mean it was fully working for Android versions below 9. I should be able now to put it straight back into that App. [Is that tempting fate?????]. I don't think there is any problem in the way I am using them and have never seen anything that looks like it was caused by them. Perhaps one of the experts on the forum could let me know if there something there waiting to catch me out?

Thanks, Colin, for all of your help.


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I think for my purposes the situation is:
Pre- Android 9: all OK
Android 10: I can work within the limitation of not having the AP saved in the list. (It would be nice if I could use 'remove' to make sure it's not there, but that doesn't work as in:
            Case w.APIVersion >= 29
                Log("Connect 29")
                W.connectWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
Android 10 doesn't allow apps to save to the list.

There is a limitation in Android 10 in that if the AP you're connecting to has internet access, you have to use saveWifiAP, because the API functions that connectWifiAP use will only allow connection to an AP that doesn't have internet. If you use connectWifiAP on an AP that has internet it will connect then immediately disconnect with the "Something went wrong" dialog.

Android 9: I had thought of using save first, as in:
            Case w.APIVersion = 28
                Log("Save 28")
                W.saveWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, False, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
                Log("Connect 28")
                W.connectWifiAP(APName, SecType, APPass, Timeout)
                wait for Wifi_ConnectionResult (Success As Boolean)
but that doesn't seem to work here. I can see save worked when you tried it so I'll have to experiment some more. If I can get it working then I think I can live with what we have. (Even the very annoying Android 10 prompt!!)
You shouldn't need to use saveWifiAP, then connectWifiAP. If you set the connect parameter to true in saveWifiAP it will connect after it has saved the AP, or after it has skipped the save if the AP already exists.

- Colin.