B4A Library Mock-LocationProvider Lib

Hi all,

I've written a small mock-locationProvider-library for B4A in java.

In this case I have to say thank You for all mates, who described the how to build a a4b-lib! - It was my second try of making an own lib in eclipse...
... and had great succes:)

If anyone is interested in further informations about my lib, let me know it.



Edit: uploaded library (1.0) with demo project :)

The demo code is well commented.

The moclocationprovider - library devlivers 3 public void() out of java-lib.
1. enableMockProvider(...)
2. publishMockLocation(............)
3. disableMockLocation(...)

If u test it, have a look to all comments in the sample procet code, about using the lib.
Also have look to code structure in ServiceModule (Timer_Tick), for calling publishMockLocation().

After using the sample you have to reboot your device, because my lib functions use the system GPS_PROVIDER name by android os.
!!!Without reboot the buildin gps-hardware can't deliver location data to the system!!!




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Is there a simple way to convert the coordinates from the normal b4a-format to the mock_location-format? I have tried some things, but the mock_location provider ignores all my tested formats. Only a manually string like the example does work....

Thanks for help...


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For example:

Latitude: 5134.5667
Longitude: 006.4574


Gesendet von meinem XT910 mit Tapatalk 2


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Hmmm, I have tried serveral things to change the normal decimal-coordinates to the following format, which I have to use for the mock-location provider, but I think, that are not decimal_degrees:confused:

latitude="5234.1421"        'lat. as decimal_degrees
longitude="01311.7996"        'long. as decimal_degrees

Has someone a sub to change the normal decimal-degree like 50.7478484 to the format above?

Thanks for help...


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Yes! here you go:

Here's how you convert latitude & longitude obtained from NMEA's GPGGA to decimal:

latitude----/0302.78469 --------/-------03 + (02.78469/60) = 3.046412
longitude--/10141.82531-------/-------101 + 41.82531/60) = 101.6971

Notice that for latitude of 0302.78469,

03 ==> degress. counted as is

02.78469 ==> minutes. divide by 60 before adding to degrees above

Hence, the decimal equivalent is:
03 + (02.78469/60) = 3.046412

This way I convert the coordinates from NMEA Strings to dercimal in my GPS projects...

good luck


Hmmm, I have tried serveral things to change the normal decimal-coordinates to the following format, which I have to use for the mock-location provider, but I think, that are not decimal_degrees:confused:

latitude="5234.1421"        'lat. as decimal_degrees
longitude="01311.7996"        'long. as decimal_degrees

Has someone a sub to change the normal decimal-degree like 50.7478484 to the format above?

Thanks for help...
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I forgot the divide by 60 before adding.:sign0148:

It works....:sign0060:


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Hi this library works great :) but is it posssible to add one more thing to this library ? The number of satelites ? It could be usefuul


Licensed User
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Hi this library works great :) but is it posssible to add one more thing to this library ? The number of satelites ? It could be usefuul

I'm in agree with you. This is a fantastic library and I'm using in my project, but I want to add more parameters like speed and satelites :(

Andrei E

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How to convert gps location into the mock?
Sub GPSService_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location)
    Latitude = Location1.Latitude             ' 52.12345678
    Longitude  = Location1.Longitude        ' 25.12345678
End Sub
My issue is wrong format. The mock can't accept my GPS locations

Andrei E

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or how to convert GPS values into the this mock?
example (18e Avenue lat: 45.562708 lon: -73.5948923)


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Try to use the example but when trying to execute the program, an error is reported that informs:

java.lang.SecurityException: de.esolutions4you.mlpdemo from uid 10187 not allowed to perform MOCK_LOCATION
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to stop service de.esolutions4you.mlpdemo.mlpservice@dfba757: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.SecurityException: de.esolutions4you.mlpdemo from uid 10187 not allowed to perform MOCK_LOCATION
.Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.SecurityException: de.esolutions4you.mlpdemo from uid 10187 not allowed to perform MOCK_LOCATION
Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: de.esolutions4you.mlpdemo from uid 10187 not allowed to perform MOCK_LOCATION


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Try to use the example but when trying to execute the program, an error is reported that informs:
"not allowed to perform MOCK_LOCATION"

- Are you sure that the DEVELOPER options are enabled on your device?
- Are you sure that in the developer options "Allow mock locations" is ENABLED?
- Are you sure that you've set the permission in your app adding
inside the manifest editor?
- Have you set the target API to 16 (or below)? This is required by this library, as it's getting deprecated. Don't use it in production, as Google will force API 26 very very soon!
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- Are you sure that the DEVELOPER options are enabled on your device?
- Are you sure that in the developer options "Allow mock locations" is ENABLED?
- Are you sure that you've set the permission in your app adding
- Add: AddPermission(android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION)
- Have you set the target API to 16 (or below)? This is required by this library, as it's getting deprecated. Don't use it in production, as Google will force API 26 very very soon![/QUOTE]

Mode Developer: OK.
Allow mock locations: ¿?
Set the permission in your app adding: ¿?
set the target API to 16: OK

My manifest:
'This code will be applied to the manifest file during compilation.
'You do not need to modify it in most cases.
'See this link for for more information: https://www.b4x.com/forum/showthread.php?p=78136
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" android:targetSdkVersion="26"/>
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" 
SetApplicationAttribute(android:icon, "@drawable/icon")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:label, "$LABEL$")
'CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, Themes.DarkTheme)
'End of default text.