Moped Climb - Box2d game in progress...


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i am working for the last 2 weeks on a new game. it is a libGDX+Box2d game.

i am learning a lot about box2d in the last weeks. it is very complex and we dont have much
questions in this forum about box2d so it is hard to learn from here.
Most informations i got from the box2d manual and box2d tutorials (all over the net).

i choose this kind of game to be able to learn very important features in box2d like joints, collisions detecting, collisions filtering, dynamic/static/kinematic bodies, lgMathMatrix, box2d body editor...

the game is still in his very first stage. i am planning to add lots of cool stuff

i must say that creating games with box2d has a lot advantages. i dont think that i will make games in the future without using box2d + libgdx. it is just a very powerful combination.

i hope to finish this game within 2 month. for now i will let you have a quick look about my progress.

tell me what you think

(the video was made with az screen recorder and on landscape mode it become smaller, sorry)

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Great !!!

Would be great if you will try the same with iSpriteKit )))

Sure. This is my plan but first i need to finish about 3 libgdx-box2d games (also try to make a tutorial if i will find the time for that)
and then start coding with ispritekit.

I am planing to release about 5-6 games this year. And i want to use physics in all of them.
So ispritekit is definitely the tool i will use for my b4i games.


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I like the strawberry pudding with white sauce in the background, yum!


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in the beginning it is hard but after a while you will see that it is simple to use.

for example to create a body you will need 3 steps but instead of doing it every time i created code modules and i do it now in 1 line.
so you can make life much simpler by adding functions...

box2d do all physics in the background and the most important stuff is the collisions detecting.
the game is really in his first stage and i will also change the graphics.

my next steps are: creating start menu, creating bike settings (motor, wheels, axis strength..), leader board, adding 6 different bikes, adding a driver that is connected with joints, adding more levels (night mode, snow, desert,..), adding coins on the road, adding fuel on the road, adding tachometer, sounds, different animations like rain/wind/fog,...

so in the end it will be a nice game i hope

i don't think that this will become a big hit but what this game will do 100% is increase my box2d knowledge.
it is not a simple project and it will need more time as usual for my apps but it is worth for me.


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I was doing the same thing, before libgdx, there was another very powerful game engine on the forums, with Box2d integrated, but in very exciting stage, of making the game, I discovered that Box2d from that game engine was far a way from complete, there was almost no joint types and so on, and I quit. But later when @Informatix (Thank you a million again) released his LibGdx port and Box2d I was so excited again, to make a game similar to yours, but, I have no time now unfortunately :/ .
Anyways, good luck! There is no game for me that is not interesting which was made with libgdx + box2d


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I think @Jaames means acclurator surface from @Informatix. Fred used in his box2d examples the acclurator surface and not libgdx so maybe he used one of his examples as template.


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Anyway box2d is now very powerful. @Informatix did a great job and i will also list him in my game when i will release it (if he agree of course)


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No, Except one or two silly games, I was working on some sort of a electrical CAD software, And all my apps except one are suspended becouse of ad policies , and I have no time to update them right now :/ . This app earned nice sum, but, I was using PayPal and google did not liked it

In my country you can buy but not sell apps through google merchant system.


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Wow! Really nice work! The game looks like it's coming along well. This is a popular game genre on the market too so you could get a lot of downloads.

thanx andy, the finished game will be really nice. but it will require a lot of work and time and i don't have much time so i hope to finish it within 2 month.


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Good luck, it looks like your most ambitious game yet.

Just out of interest, are you seeing increasing amounts of income now from your in game adverts? I am wanting to develop more games and would feel more motivated to do so if I knew I would start making some extra cash from them.
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