hi i like this tanks for share
just i have one question
i finish my app and my app have 3 activity how can i add this menu to my app for chance activity
activity 1 for shop next for check order and next for about
please send example I'm amatur
tanks men
hi i like this tanks for share
just i have one question
i finish my app and my app have 3 activity how can i add this menu to my app for chance activity
activity 1 for shop next for check order and next for about
please send example I'm amatur
tanks men
Good. But does it look good when the app starts?
I think adding an odd number of icons and starting the app with the center icon as active will look good.
Good. But does it look good when the app starts?
I think adding an odd number of icons and starting the app with the center icon as active will look good.
When you press or click the default focus tab, let say i have 5 tabs and the default focus tab is 3, when you click tab 3 its not working... unless you press other tab and you go back to tab 3, is it possible to execute the sub (code) of the default focus tab when i click it?
When you press or click the default focus tab, let say i have 5 tabs and the default focus tab is 3, when you click tab 3 its not working... unless you press other tab and you go back to tab 3, is it possible to execute the sub (code) of the default focus tab when i click it?
If you open Activity with focus on tab3 add this code in activity create