Actually you can do without the need for AHViewPager with some little help and "hacks"
1. Create each layout that you need for each page.
2. Insert a wobble menu in each. As you know the sequence of the tabs, set the active tab for each wobble menu, starting from 1 - 3 or you can do it via code, see below.
3. Create 3 b4x pages and in each load each layout. Each will have wobble menu. This gives you more control and flexibility.
In the main page, create a sub, this will set the text and icons for each wobblemenu, for example.
Sub AddWobbleMenu(wm As WobbleMenu, thisTab As Int)
wm.SetCurrentTab2(thisTab, False)
End Sub
The code below, sets the text of each wobble menu and makes it active at that position.
We are not firing events on tab click.
On the first page, b4xpage_create
MainPage.AddWobbleMenu(WobbleMenu1, 1)
On the second page b4xpage_create
MainPage.AddWobbleMenu(WobbleMenu1, 2)
On the 3rd page b4xpage_create
MainPage.AddWobbleMenu(WobbleMenu1, 3)
Assuming that you will move from one page to another, you need a way to ensure that when you click Settings when you are in the first page it goes to Settings and set settings to be active.
So on the main page, add this.
Sub SetWobbleMenuPosition(wm As WobbleMenu, thisTab As Int)
If wm.GetCurrentTab <> thisTab Then
wm.SetCurrentTab2(thisTab, False)
End If
End Sub
We will use this when the page appears. We have 3 different wobble menus and they need to work seamlessly.
So, on the first page, b4xpage_appear, add this
MainPage.SetWobbleMenuPosition(wobblemenu1, 1)
So, on the second page, b4xpage_appear, add this
MainPage.SetWobbleMenuPosition(wobblemenu1, 2)
So, on the third page, b4xpage_appear, add this
MainPage.SetWobbleMenuPosition(wobblemenu1, 3)
Now the tab clicks.
At anytime you click a tab, it needs to go to the respective page you want. Each page will have a wobble menu tab click method. Add this code to all the pages.
Sub WobbleMenu1_Tab1Click
End Sub
Sub WobbleMenu1_Tab2Click
End Sub
Sub WobbleMenu1_Tab3Click
End Sub
Remember though, you need to trap the method so that it does not fire twice on the current page. You cant show page2 when you are in page 2.
On pg1, comment out the showpage call, on pg2, comment out the showpage call and on pg3 comment out the showpage call.
If there is code to execute each time you click a tab on that page, then add it.
Hope it makes some sense. This is my implementation that is working perfectly without hussles. My pages (5 of them including MainPage) have a lot of code and they are separate concerns.
Ohh, I forgot. Assuming that you want a badge to be updated for all the tabs. You also need some "hack".
Add this on mainpage. When called, this ensures that irrespective of which page you are in, the badge for that tab item is updated. In my case, its the second tag for "Notifications".
Sub UpdateBadge(badgeNumber as int)
If BadgeNumber > 0 Then
pg1.WobbleMenu1.SetBadge(2, BadgeNumber, Colors.White, Colors.Blue)
pg2.WobbleMenu1.SetBadge(2, BadgeNumber, Colors.White, Colors.Blue)
pg3.WobbleMenu1.SetBadge(2, BadgeNumber, Colors.White, Colors.Blue)
End If
End Sub
For me this is called each time I receive a firebase message.