I'm trying to use the MQTT client and I'm looking at the MQTT_chat sample program. This confuses me since it seems to include components of both the client and the broker. I plan on only using the client as I have signed up for a CloudMQTT broker test ID.
Do I also need to install the broker library if I only want to use the client? Does someone have a sample app with just the client only? Combining both is really, really confusing.
Also I don't understand the line shown below which doesn't make any sense to me. Can't I just put the name of the mqtt server ("m11cloudmqtt.com") as the second parameter and my username as the third?
Do I also need to install the broker library if I only want to use the client? Does someone have a sample app with just the client only? Combining both is really, really confusing.
Also I don't understand the line shown below which doesn't make any sense to me. Can't I just put the name of the mqtt server ("m11cloudmqtt.com") as the second parameter and my username as the third?
client.Initialize("client", $"tcp://${Host}:${port}"$, "android" & Rnd(1, 10000000))