If you are going to use a b4j server, to me, that implies that you have a public IP address and a server online somewhere available - then I would not even hesitate to use jRDC2 - fast, stable and secure.
However, if you want to use the MQTT route then let me address one of your concerns at least.
When you look at the protocol, at first glance it seems as though you need to have all 50 clients (as an example) to subscribe to the same topic (because we tend to hard code this section). This worried me for some time. My scenario was that I have multiple users (Apps - both Android and iOS) wanting to access multiple PC's with local databases (116 PC users) - this is in a Pharmacy environment where the client can order refill medicine. These Pharmacies are situated all over the country.
My solution works like this:
On registration on the app, the client puts in a unique Id Number and chooses his favourite Pharmacy. (Remember - the Pharmacy has a dispensing PC with his software on a shop counter somewhere running on a local database with the clients information on it)
When the client requests to start a transaction, I send the Unique Id of the Client, a GUID, and the Pharmacies Name to the Server (Broker)
Now, my backend system has a MQTT Server (used to be called a broker) that has a list of all Pharmacies available to it and in my code, I can look up this Pharmacies name and publish to it. I do this by soft code (using a variable) when publishing. This will ensure that only that Pharmacy receives the message. The message I send to this Pharmacy contains the clients unique Id Number and their unique GUID number in a json. A small NON GUI software runs on this PC in the Pharmacy and responds to the request by looking up the available medication in the database, creating a json and sending it back to the broker, with the GUID also in the json.
The MQTT Server now extracts the GUID and publishes this information to the GUID as a topic, to which the client previously has subscribed by softcode. Just Note - when the client subscribes the first time with the GUID, I start a timer to give a timeout after a period of time and unsubscribe so that we minimize the possibility of an attack. If timeout - we start again with a new GUID and the process.
When I tested this process, I created a mySQL database, filled it with 100 000 records, took the Unique ID and randomly placed it in the table in 6 places. This entire process from when I pressed request on my App to the time that the returned list of medicine was displayed on my App took less than 1.2 seconds !!
I have included some code on how I created my "SecretKey" on my App - it's very similar on B4J - I hope this gives you some direction as per my experience.
Public Sub CreateSecretKey
' Unsubscribe to old number First
client.Unsubscribe("all/users/MC/MasterDrive/NA/"&SNumber) 'Just in case during testing
' Now subscribe to new number - Thanks to Erel for this Code
Dim sb As StringBuilder
' For Each stp As Int In Array(8, 4, 4, 12) 'Use this if you want a really complex number
For Each stp As Int In Array(8)
' If sb.Length > 0 Then sb.Append("-")
For n = 1 To stp
Dim c As Int = Rnd(0, 16)
If c < 10 Then c = c + 48 Else c = c + 55
SNumber = "MD"&sb.ToString
' Return sb.ToString
Dim Data As List
Dim JSONGenerator As JSONGenerator
Dim m As Message
m.Body = JSONGenerator.ToString' Body
m.From = SNumber
client.Publish2("all/users/MC/MasterDrive/NA/",serializator.ConvertObjectToBytes(m), 0, False) ' Send to the Server here
ToastMessageShow("Sent: "&sb.ToString&" to Message Centre",False)
Dim LocTop As String = "all/users/MC/MasterDrive/NA/"&SNumber ' This is where the trick is - only this client subscribes to this topic
End Sub
Now all you have to do is follow the normal tutorials as to how to connect, read the message and process the payload.
Here is a Graphic to help somewhat:
I trust I have not confused you too much !!