B4J Question MS Sql or MySql/Maria DB?


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i love MS SQL, the dialect is very easy to understand and the license is also fairly easy to get.

You want non limited free non commercial? use developer edition
you want limited free commercial? use express edition
you want unlimited non free commercial? anything else.

you will be okey with ms sql express for hundreds (thousands maybe?) of customers.

with tools like SSMS or Azure Data Studio you will have an integrated IDE that will help you do backups and specifics of SQL SERVER at hand,

And! SQL Server is now Linux native, that means that you can install it everywhere.
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Licensed User
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i love MS SQL, the dialect is very easy to understand and the license is also fairly easy to get.

You want non limited free non commercial? use developer edition
you want limited free commercial? use express edition
you want unlimited non free commercial? anything else.

you will be okey with ms sql express for hundreds (thousands maybe?) of customers.

with tools like SSMS or Azure Data Studio you will have an integrated IDE that will help you do backups and specifics of SQL SERVER at hand,

And! SQL Server is now Linux native, that means that you can install it everywhere.
You have forgotten the cons.
1 - it's heavy
2 - tied to heavy IIS (at least when I was using it -many years ago - it was like that)
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Licensed User
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tied to heavy IIS (
No longer, it is standalone (i have been using it since 2008 R2 and never i had anything related to IIS)

1 - it's heavy
What do you mean by heavy? yes it is heavier than the other 2, but i dont think 6gb will dent a scratch wherever you are installing it.
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Licensed User
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if you only choose between these 2 databases I prefer MariaDB or PostgreSQL.

For large volumes of data of course there are other alternatives, but I would never use MSSQL.
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If I develop with .NET, I will go for MS SQL. If I develop with PHP or B4X, I go for MySQL. Currently, I am focusing on the latter.
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I'm afraid to install new stuff on a HD that is 12 years old
Do what I tend to do in those situations: Just buy a new HD and put into the machine. No baggage to be careful with, if the installation goes bad you can wipe the drive clean and give it another go. If you're happy and need stuff from the old HD, just put it in an enclosure and plug it in as an external USB drive.

Plus, if you decide you didn't like Linux at all, just put back your old rusty HD and chug along with Win7. :)
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When there is a need to switch to another DBMS, I will dump the SQL script and modify it a bit. Boom, my application is now supporting both.
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Active Member
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In a Full Windows Environment I use MS SQLServer Express, however If there is mixed one (web and CS) I preffers MariaDB (you get tons of samples in php code). In Addition to it our programmers are very conforable with both.

Best Regards
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