B4J Question MS Sql or MySql/Maria DB?


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I use SQL server because I am used to it and the tools are great. I have an online DB for an app that is MYSQL and I found it cumbersome to set up and use. I installed MySQL a long time ago (15-20yrs?) and found working from the command line impossible.
So let me ask this. If I were to set up MySQL on my local computer for testing what are the steps? What tools would you use? Is there now an equivalent to SSMS for mySQL? Can I setup and test a DB locally and then script the schema and maybe some of the data to transfer to the net as easily as I can do these things in SQL Server?
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If I were to set up MySQL on my local computer for testing what are the steps? What tools would you use? Is there now an equivalent to SSMS for mySQL?

Can I setup and test a DB locally and then script the schema and maybe some of the data to transfer to the net as easily as I can do these things in SQL Server?
"as easily as" I don't know; as you wrote:
because I am used to it
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Can I setup and test a DB locally and then script the schema and maybe some of the data to transfer to the net as easily as I can do these things in SQL Server?
Sure, use HeidiSQL

You have another XAMPP or WAMPP alternative I tested thanks to aeric and I like it¡¡ Laragon¡¡¡
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Sure, use HeidiSQL

You have another XAMPP or WAMPP alternative I tested thanks to aeric and I like it¡¡ Laragon¡¡¡
Yes, it is a cheat using Laragon and single adminer PHP file as a web based management tool. It’s lightning fast!
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You don't need any web server to test Mysql or Mariadb, this installs independently of the web server.

Only if you want to test some web programming language with MySQL, you need a web server.

Also you have many GUI tools for RDBMS MySQL / MariaDB

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web server:

etc etc..
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In mysql (oracle) you should read the free licenses community version.
I just know that Oracle is reporting their policy changes and support for the community version.


That Oracle gives you something for free, I don't believe it even if I see it written and countersigned by Ellison
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Licensed User
Q3: As a commercial OEM, ISV or VAR, when should I purchase a commercial license for MySQL software? 

A: OEMs, ISVs and VARs that want the benefits of embedding commercial binaries of MySQL software in their commercial
applications but do not want to be subject to the GPL and do not want to release the source code for their proprietary applications
should purchase a commercial license from Oracle.  Purchasing a commercial license means that the GPL does not apply, and a
commercial license includes the assurances that distributors typically find in commercial distribution agreements.

Then, if your software is not open source, you need a commercial license
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it is very important to notice that mysql is not free, if you add mysql to your develpment process by the license you have to disclose all your code.

unless you are doing a GPL based application, then its better if you use mariaDB.
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Q3: As a commercial OEM, ISV or VAR, when should I purchase a commercial license for MySQL software?

A: OEMs, ISVs and VARs that want the benefits of embedding commercial binaries of MySQL software in their commercial
applications but do not want to be subject to the GPL and do not want to release the source code for their proprietary applications
should purchase a commercial license from Oracle.  Purchasing a commercial license means that the GPL does not apply, and a
commercial license includes the assurances that distributors typically find in commercial distribution agreements.

Then, if your software is not open source, you need a commercial license
I don't think so. The agreement speaks of embedding code. Nobody embeds proprietary code. If you use a free interface, the engine runs standalone and so it's free of charge as well.
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HeidiSQL is good, (XAMPP, WAMP, LARAGON arent sql processors, they are php webservers that you cant use with b4j development, so you have to have both)
but heidiSQL really falls short to the capabilities of SSMS.

Also SQL Server have Azure Data Studio for people like me that uses linux and also SQL CMD Tools for people that only have a headerless os or are in an SSH enviroment.
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