Multi-page data data update form


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Still getting my head around the 'Android' (indeed smartphone) way....

I have a data update form with various controls (oops, 'views') on it... including text boxes that *may* go to multi-line (or not). So what is the best way in this paradigm/form-factor to allow a form to gracefully "overflow"?

If it were an ASP.NET web page I could let it overflow in the vertical... or I might use tabs (if there were discrete 'sections')... or I might even use a wizard... or...

But this is just a relatively simple form, where some of the controls/view could take up a bit of space - so, how best to display?

What about the use of a horizontal gesture, R->L to move to page 2, 3.. (and vice versa)? (And do I use Erel's "sliding panels" for this?)

Interested in insights into this completely foreign paradigm

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