Android Question Multiple Edit Boxes


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Thank you in advance for answering this question.

Multiple tables in SQLite with 20 or more fields.
Al fields may be updated by user.
I can build an Activity for each table with 20 labels and 20 edit boxes to allow user to enter changes or add new.

Is there a more efficient way to achieve this?

Any suggestions will be welcomed.


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I think it's really fair to create an Activity for each table.

If the user must have the ability to edit each field, I do not think there is another way.

You could not put the label and use the Hint of TextBoxes, but I do not really like.

If the problem is the space available, you can add all in one scrollview.
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Thank you, Luca.

I was hoping more for a "form generator" as is available in some DBMS systems.

Best regards.

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You can build the layout in the code onto a scrollview.
I would use only one Activity for editing and buiding the layout according to the selected table.
You can have a look at the SQLiteLight3 example in my signature, there the edit activity layout is generated in the code.
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Thank you, Klaus.

Luca pointed to the concept. I had thought about it, but your example embodied it. For those who are a little lazy, this is the code from Klaus:

Sub InitEditPanel
    ' Adds the Label and EditText views onto the ScrollView panel by code
    Dim lbl(Main.ColNumber) As Label
    Dim edt(Main.ColNumber) As EditText
    Dim Height = 50dip As Int
    Dim VSpace = Height + 10dip As Int
    Dim lblLeft = 10dip As Int
    Dim lblWidth = 30%x - 10dip As Int
    Dim edtLeft = 30%x + 10dip As Int
    Dim edtWidth = 70%x - 20dip As Int
    Dim i As Int
    For i = 0 To Main.ColNumber - 1
        scvEdit.Panel.AddView(lbl(i), lblLeft, 10dip + i * VSpace, lblWidth, Height)
        lbl(i).Tag = i
        lbl(i).Gravity = Bit.OR(Gravity.RIGHT, Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
        lbl(i).TextSize = 16
        lbl(i).Text = Main.ColAliasNames(i)
        lbl(i).TextColor = Colors.Yellow
        scvEdit.Panel.AddView(edt(i), edtLeft, 10dip + i * VSpace, edtWidth, Height)
        edt(i).Tag = i
        edt(i).TextColor = Colors.Black
    edt(0).Enabled = False
    scvEdit.Panel.Height = 10dip + i * VSpace
End Sub

The secondary key concept is:

only one Activity for editing and buiding the layout according to the selected table

Best regards.

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