Share My Creation MyLifeBook - Your Personal Diary

Enter your memories in your Private Diary, ideas and events, your friends, your password, your ToDo list, your pictures and video and build the story of your life. The diary has never been easier.
MyLifebook is also a tool to remember personal informations about your friends, names of relatives, work activities, health, drugs, birthdays, objects and much more. Do you also remember birthdays, with the possibility to send predefined text message of greetings or make phone calls. You can then share the data in various formats and on major social.

Exceeded 32.000 downloads! Thanks to B4A!

Google Play link: MyLifebook

Main Features: (start password: abc)

- NEW: Calendar sync with Google Calendar, with option to copy a calendar event in the Diary, turning it into a post (long click on the event> Copy in the Diary - only in full version). Can also be used with multiple calendars.
- NEW: TextToSpeech, Listen your post!
- Password protection for start access (start password: abc)
- Database encrypted (absolute safety on the saved data)
- You can assign an icon to a post of the Diary (touch the icon to the right)
- Insert image from camera or gallery
- Recording Audio message on the diary Post
- Recording Video message on the diary Post
- Quick Add in contacts list (friends)
- Import contacts from your contact list or utilities, with options and filters by letter
- Call
- Send SMS
- Activities unlimited
- Password Management unlimited
- Themes: customization of the background colors
- Themes: customizing the colors of the command bar
- Activity Management (what I have to do, activities completed, etc..)
- Post Image viewer with Touch, Drag, Stretch, Pinch Zoom - LongClick = 100%
- List with more than 100 icons
- Birthdays List with predefined SMS
- Support landscape / portrait and other
- Themes: customization of the background colors
- Themes: customizing the colors of the command bar
- Objects Management (where I put the object?, to who I gave an object?, Etc..)
- Sharing Events and Activities with messages
- Display the Call History, mail and other applications
- Backup the entire diary to SD card or Dropbox
- Restore the entire diary from SD card or Dropbox
- Restore Diary from version Free (make a backup from Free version and then a restore into Full version)<br/>

The tables are fully customizable to adapt the application to your needs!

• Other languages



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version 1.3.16
- Various fixes and News

Exceeded 10,000 downloads!
Thanks to B4A!


Active Member
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Longtime User
version 1.3.19
- NEW: Calendar sync with Google Calendar, with option to copy a calendar event in the Diary, turning it into a post (long click on the event> Copy in the Diary - only in full version). Can also be used with multiple calendars.
- Minor fixes

version 1.3.18
- Personalize the Fonts of the Diary - (menu Utilites > Change Fonts)
- 21 Fonts available (3 in free version)
- Posts list optimized


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version 1.3.22
Exceeded 27,000 downloads!

- Menù Preferences - New Themes option
- Updated Function Fonts (font sizes up to 30)
- Diary > List Post: new graphics to 3 lines of text (description)
- Diary > List Post: new feature super search on any word in the title or description (new buttons at the top)
- Fixed Tables menu
- Post, Items, Tasks, Contacts and Password: color label parametrized and background theme
- Transparent Background on Left Side Menu
- Updated icons of waiting, confirmation and help


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Longtime User
version 1.4
- Updated Password cards
- New function Password creation (full version)
- Updating the Tables menu
- New table Password Categories
- Fix various


Active Member
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Longtime User
New Important Update in version 2.0
- General restyling
- Update search functions events and contacts
- Various fixes


Active Member
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Longtime User
New Update in version 3.0

- New Widgets with 5 functions
- New management of the password to access the Diary
- Function of quick release of the password
- Fix on Calendar
- Update of help messages
- Updated icons
- Exit with back button menu
- Various fixes