B4J Code Snippet MySQL Negative Dates - Long DateTime (such as Birthdays) problem

There's one big problem with MySQL: MySQL cannot convert negative epoch timestamps (long values) (dates before 1-1-1970).
This creates problems with for example birthdates. But there are workarounds.

This is my workaround - and it shows the proper birthdate when that date is less than 1970...
"    date_format((DATE_ADD(FROM_UNIXTIME(0), interval club_member.dob / 1000 second)),'%Y-%m-%d') as BIRTHDAY    "

" club_member.dob " is my table field with the datetime long value...

Above link attempts to explain the issue...
I don't really understand it, but it works.

I hope some smart SQL expert will break down the statement - and define what each section is doing to create the correct result...

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