>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
CheckJNI is OFF
setted country_code = INDONESIA
setted countryiso_code = ID
setted sales_code = XSE
readGMSProperty: start
readGMSProperty: already setted!!
readGMSProperty: end
addProductProperty: start
Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
No JNI_OnLoad found in libnativehelper.so 0x0, skipping init
Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
failed to load memtrack module: -2
Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 192 unimplemented (abstract) methods
Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname idev4mobile.linesticker
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1200000 uid : 1000 pid : 2352 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@5
id=1332 createSurf (16x16),-1 flag=20004, EimLayer
id=1333 createSurf (16x16),-1 flag=20004, EimLayer
visibility is same
setTransGradationMode=false, mTransparentMode=false, mSemiTransparentMode=false, mMultiWindowMode=false
tr p:2352,o:f
In getseinfo pid = 2352 uid = 1000 seinfo= system
id=1334 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=404, minesticker
visibility is same
visibility is same
Shutting down VM
exitWidgetResizeMode State: NORMAL, newDragStarted: false
tr p:2782,o:f
GC_CONCURRENT freed 99K, 13% free 709K/812K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 3ms
TaskCloserActivity onReceive()
setTransGradationMode=false, mTransparentMode=false, mSemiTransparentMode=false, mMultiWindowMode=false
Function: selinux_android_load_priority [0], There is no sepolicy file.
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0
setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1
visibility is same
Function: selinux_android_load_priority , spota verifySig and checkHash pass. priority version is VE=SEPF_GT-N5100_4.4.2_0046
selinux_android_seapp_context_reload: seapp_contexts file is loaded from /data/security/spota/seapp_contexts
>>>>> Normal User
>>>>> idev4mobile.linesticker [ userId:0 | appId:10235 ]
.SurfaceWidgetWeather#1 is being paused by launcher
[237392/3] Surface widget pause on instance = 1
[Accuweather J]>>> SWW:208 [0:0] [SWW] onPause : rI = 1
[Accuweather J]>>> SWW:218 [0:0] [SWW] onPause : size = 0
[237392/3] Surface widget visibility changed visibility = false on instance = 1
[Accuweather J]>>> SWW:626 [0:0] unRegisterTTReceiver !!
rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false mAccelerometerDefault=false gripRotationLock=false
visibility is same
visibility is same
visibility is same
manageDisableList what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
[Accuweather J]>>> WCD:1428 [0:0] cARH()
[Accuweather J]>>> WCD:546 [0:0] onPause
[Accuweather J]>>> WR:475 [0:0] onPause : 1
[Accuweather J]>>> SWW:536 [0:0] =================== , pause :1
SIOP:: AP = 380, Delta = 0
Could not find method android.view.Window$Callback.onProvideKeyboardShortcuts, referenced from method android.support.v7.view.WindowCallbackWrapper.onProvideKeyboardShortcuts
VFY: unable to resolve interface method 16603: Landroid/view/Window$Callback;.onProvideKeyboardShortcuts (Ljava/util/List;Landroid/view/Menu;I)V
VFY: replacing opcode 0x72 at 0x000a
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Landroid/view/SearchEvent;)
Could not find method android.view.Window$Callback.onSearchRequested, referenced from method android.support.v7.view.WindowCallbackWrapper.onSearchRequested
VFY: unable to resolve interface method 16605: Landroid/view/Window$Callback;.onSearchRequested (Landroid/view/SearchEvent;)Z
VFY: replacing opcode 0x72 at 0x0006
Could not find method android.view.Window$Callback.onWindowStartingActionMode, referenced from method android.support.v7.view.WindowCallbackWrapper.onWindowStartingActionMode
VFY: unable to resolve interface method 16609: Landroid/view/Window$Callback;.onWindowStartingActionMode (Landroid/view/ActionMode$Callback;I)Landroid/view/ActionMode;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x72 at 0x0008
Could not find method android.content.res.TypedArray.getChangingConfigurations, referenced from method android.support.v7.widget.TintTypedArray.getChangingConfigurations
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 726: Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.getChangingConfigurations ()I
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0004
Could not find method android.content.res.TypedArray.getType, referenced from method android.support.v7.widget.TintTypedArray.getType
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 748: Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.getType (I)I
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000c
visibility is same
visibility is same
onTrimMemory. Level: 20
tr p:15296,o:f
semi p:15296,o:f
setTransGradationMode=false, mTransparentMode=false, mSemiTransparentMode=false, mMultiWindowMode=false
visibility is same
visibility is same
setSemiTransparentMode=false, mTransparentMode=false, mSemiTransparentMode=false, mMultiWindowMode=false
id=1335 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=404, nain
visibility is same
visibility is same
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0
setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1
loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_mali.so
loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_mali.so
loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_mali.so
Device driver API match
Device driver API version: 29
User space API version: 29
mali: REVISION=Linux-r3p2-01rel3 BUILD_DATE=Tue Jul 22 19:59:34 KST 2014
Enabling debug mode 0
Could not find method android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable, referenced from method android.support.v7.widget.ResourcesWrapper.getDrawable
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 689: Landroid/content/res/Resources;.getDrawable (ILandroid/content/res/Resources$Theme;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0008
Could not find method android.content.res.Resources.getDrawableForDensity, referenced from method android.support.v7.widget.ResourcesWrapper.getDrawableForDensity
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 691: Landroid/content/res/Resources;.getDrawableForDensity (IILandroid/content/res/Resources$Theme;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000a
Could not find method android.content.Context.getColorStateList, referenced from method android.support.v7.content.res.AppCompatResources.getColorStateList
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 473: Landroid/content/Context;.getColorStateList (I)Landroid/content/res/ColorStateList;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000a
Could not find class 'android.graphics.drawable.RippleDrawable', referenced from method android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageHelper.hasOverlappingRendering
VFY: unable to resolve instanceof 205 (Landroid/graphics/drawable/RippleDrawable;) in Landroid/support/v7/widget/AppCompatImageHelper;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x20 at 0x0010
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0
setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1
visibility is same
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1509 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$4.run:2683 java.lang.Thread.run:841 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
checkOverflow(480), More:false, Req:false Child:3
visibility is same
id=1331 Removed Mauncher (7/14)
id=1331 Removed Mauncher (-2/14)
visibility is same
GC_EXPLICIT freed 5061K, 43% free 44018K/76412K, paused 7ms+15ms, total 220ms
visibility is same
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
id=1336 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=4, nain
visibility is same
visibility is same
updateDrawableBounds: left = 0
updateDrawableBounds: top = 0
updateDrawableBounds: right = 64
updateDrawableBounds: bottom = 64
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
visibility is same
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1200000 uid : 1000 pid : 2352 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@9
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1200000 uid : 1000 pid : 2352 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@5
visibility is same
visibility is same
visibility is same
visibility is same
id=1334 Removed minesticker (10/14)
id=1334 Removed minesticker (-2/14)
visibility is same
visibility is same
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1200000 uid : 1000 pid : 2352 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@9
Could not find method android.widget.CompoundButton.drawableHotspotChanged, referenced from method android.support.v7.widget.SwitchCompat.drawableHotspotChanged
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 17073: Landroid/widget/CompoundButton;.drawableHotspotChanged (FF)V
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000c
Could not find method android.view.View.<init>, referenced from method com.wang.avi.AVLoadingIndicatorView.<init>
VFY: unable to resolve direct method 16173: Landroid/view/View;.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;II)V
VFY: replacing opcode 0x70 at 0x000a
Get MotionRecognitionManager
ssp status : false
Get MotionRecognitionManager
Get MotionRecognitionManager
Could not find method android.content.pm.PackageManager.getPackageInstaller, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.common.zze.zzs
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 636: Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getPackageInstaller ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageInstaller;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0015
Could not find method android.security.NetworkSecurityPolicy.getInstance, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.state.h.a
VFY: unable to resolve static method 2946: Landroid/security/NetworkSecurityPolicy;.getInstance ()Landroid/security/NetworkSecurityPolicy;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0080
Could not find method android.content.pm.PackageManager.getPackageInstaller, referenced from method hyx.a
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2339: Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getPackageInstaller ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageInstaller;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x001c
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS
VFY: unable to resolve static field 784 (SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0008
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_ABIS
VFY: unable to resolve static field 785 (SUPPORTED_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0008
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS
VFY: unable to resolve static field 784 (SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0012
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS
VFY: unable to resolve static field 783 (SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0021
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS
DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x0310 at 0x0d in Lcom/google/android/chimera/container/internal/NativeLibUtils;.a
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS
DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x0310 at 0x17 in Lcom/google/android/chimera/container/internal/NativeLibUtils;.getSupportedAbisForCurrentRuntime
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS
DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x030f at 0x26 in Lcom/google/android/chimera/container/internal/NativeLibUtils;.getSupportedAbisForCurrentRuntime
getPersonaService() name persona_policy
Could not find method android.content.ContextWrapper.createCredentialProtectedStorageContext, referenced from method com.google.android.chimera.ModuleContext.createCredentialProtectedStorageContext
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2232: Landroid/content/ContextWrapper;.createCredentialProtectedStorageContext ()Landroid/content/Context;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x0002
Could not find method android.content.ContextWrapper.createDeviceProtectedStorageContext, referenced from method com.google.android.chimera.ModuleContext.createDeviceProtectedStorageContext
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2233: Landroid/content/ContextWrapper;.createDeviceProtectedStorageContext ()Landroid/content/Context;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x0002
Instantiated singleton DynamitePackage.
Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.ChimeraAdManagerCreatorImpl
Could not find method android.security.NetworkSecurityPolicy.getInstance, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.state.h.a
VFY: unable to resolve static method 2563: Landroid/security/NetworkSecurityPolicy;.getInstance ()Landroid/security/NetworkSecurityPolicy;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0080
Could not find method android.content.pm.PackageManager.getPackageInstaller, referenced from method zz.a
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2120: Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getPackageInstaller ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageInstaller;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x001c
Failed to load module version:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found
at com.google.android.chimera.container.ConfigurationManager.getModuleVersion(:com.google.android.gms:564)
at com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.ModuleProvider.query(:com.google.android.gms:1103)
at android.content.ContentProvider.query(ContentProvider.java:857)
at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(ContentProvider.java:200)
at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:112)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
Binding Chromium to the main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {41e19d80}
[INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(112)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
Could not find class 'com.google.android.chimera.Activity', referenced from method aat.b
VFY: unable to resolve instanceof 777 (Lcom/google/android/chimera/Activity;) in Laat;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x20 at 0x016f
[WARNING:proxy_service.cc(888)] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
VFY: unable to resolve static field 1333 (common_full_open_on_phone) in Lcom/google/android/gms/R$drawable;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x60 at 0x0060
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Lig;.common_google_play_services_notification_ticker
VFY: unable to resolve static field 6317 (common_google_play_services_notification_ticker) in Lig;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x60 at 0x0092
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Lig;.common_open_on_phone
DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x18b5 at 0x62 in Llf;.a
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 2 index 30
findPreferredActivity: We found 2 PreferredActivities set, but no match
Failed to load module version after staging APKs
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found
at com.google.android.chimera.container.ConfigurationManager.getModuleVersion(:com.google.android.gms:564)
at com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.ModuleProvider.query(:com.google.android.gms:1110)
at android.content.ContentProvider.query(ContentProvider.java:857)
at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(ContentProvider.java:200)
at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:112)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found.
Considering local module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite:0
Failed to load module via fast routeaje: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote version is 0.
Failed to load module version: module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found
Now staging backup of android
Starting ad request.
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("D0A3BD5C6D9C946D23BBC79FFE9D0007") to get test ads on this device.
Please set theme of AdActivity to @android:style/Theme.Translucent to enable transparent background interstitial ad.
** Activity (main) Resume **
Failed to load module version after staging: module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found
Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found.
Considering local module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite:0
No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote version is 0.
visibility is same
setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0
setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0
setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
visibility is same
call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.ChimeraAdManagerCreatorImpl
Starting ad request.
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("D0A3BD5C6D9C946D23BBC79FFE9D0007") to get test ads on this device.
Please set theme of AdActivity to @android:style/Theme.Translucent to enable transparent background interstitial ad.
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@43db3480 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42737bd8
App does not have the required permissions to get location
App does not have the required permissions to get location
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 2 index 30
getStreamVolume 2 index 30
findPreferredActivity: We found 2 PreferredActivities set, but no match
findPreferredActivity: We found 2 PreferredActivities set, but no match
No known package when getting name for resource number 0x50edccb9
No known package when getting name for resource number 0x578656ea
visibility is same
id=1336 Removed nain (9/13)
id=1336 Removed nain (-2/13)
** Service (httputils2service) Create **
** Service (httputils2service) Start **
In getseinfo pid = 2352 uid = 1000 seinfo= system
GC_CONCURRENT freed 3528K, 35% free 8359K/12856K, paused 5ms+10ms, total 70ms
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Ljava/nio/file/Path;)
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature ([Ljava/nio/file/OpenOption;)
Could not find method java.nio.file.Files.newOutputStream, referenced from method okio.Okio.sink
VFY: unable to resolve static method 39085: Ljava/nio/file/Files;.newOutputStream (Ljava/nio/file/Path;[Ljava/nio/file/OpenOption;)Ljava/io/OutputStream;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0012
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Ljava/nio/file/Path;)
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature ([Ljava/nio/file/OpenOption;)
Could not find method java.nio.file.Files.newInputStream, referenced from method okio.Okio.source
VFY: unable to resolve static method 39084: Ljava/nio/file/Files;.newInputStream (Ljava/nio/file/Path;[Ljava/nio/file/OpenOption;)Ljava/io/InputStream;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0012
GC_CONCURRENT freed 1941K, 39% free 11256K/18244K, paused 8ms+5ms, total 72ms
Received error HTTP response code: 403
There was a problem getting an ad response. ErrorCode: 0
Failed to load ad: 0
native failed: 0
GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 216K, 36% free 8254K/12856K, paused 47ms, total 47ms
Grow heap (frag case) to 9.134MB for 137816-byte allocation
GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 36% free 8388K/12992K, paused 29ms, total 29ms
Could not find method android.webkit.WebSettings.setMixedContentMode, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.webview.m.<init>
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2837: Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;.setMixedContentMode (I)V
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0058
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
checkOverflow(480), More:false, Req:false Child:3
1.2.0, 1.2.0
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
Scheduling ad refresh 30000 milliseconds from now.
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
Ad finished loading.
[INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
[INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
[INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Document was loaded from Application Cache with manifest https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/mads/static/mad/sdk/native/sdk-core-v40-loader.appcache", source: https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/mads/static/mad/sdk/native/sdk-core-v40-loader.html (0)
[INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Application Cache Checking event", source: https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/mads/static/mad/sdk/native/sdk-core-v40-loader.html (0)
GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1725K, 37% free 8608K/13632K, paused 23ms, total 23ms
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.ChimeraAdManagerCreatorImpl
Starting ad request.
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("D0A3BD5C6D9C946D23BBC79FFE9D0007") to get test ads on this device.
Please set theme of AdActivity to @android:style/Theme.Translucent to enable transparent background interstitial ad.
GC_CONCURRENT freed 1517K, 33% free 9139K/13632K, paused 4ms+4ms, total 34ms
In getseinfo pid = 2352 uid = 1000 seinfo= system
App does not have the required permissions to get location
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 2 index 30
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
findPreferredActivity: We found 2 PreferredActivities set, but no match
[INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Application Cache NoUpdate event", source: https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/mads/static/mad/sdk/native/sdk-core-v40-loader.html (0)
In getseinfo pid = 2352 uid = 1000 seinfo= system
default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
getDevSummary: NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=0
getXtSummary: NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=482982332
GC_CONCURRENT freed 1791K, 32% free 9389K/13632K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 46ms
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
GC_CONCURRENT freed 1764K, 38% free 11489K/18244K, paused 10ms+6ms, total 83ms
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1600000 uid : 1000 pid : 2352 pkgName : android@2
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
Scheduling ad refresh 30000 milliseconds from now.
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
Ad finished loading.
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1600000 uid : 1000 pid : 2352 tag : android@2
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
checkOverflow(480), More:false, Req:false Child:3
GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1657K, 35% free 9433K/14376K, paused 28ms, total 28ms
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.ChimeraAdManagerCreatorImpl
Starting ad request.
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("D0A3BD5C6D9C946D23BBC79FFE9D0007") to get test ads on this device.
Please set theme of AdActivity to @android:style/Theme.Translucent to enable transparent background interstitial ad.
GC_CONCURRENT freed 1728K, 33% free 9752K/14376K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 39ms
App does not have the required permissions to get location
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 2 index 30
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
findPreferredActivity: We found 2 PreferredActivities set, but no match
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1600000 uid : 1000 pid : 2352 pkgName : android@2
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
checkOverflow(480), More:false, Req:false Child:3
GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1303K, 29% free 10227K/14376K, paused 22ms, total 22ms
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
Scheduling ad refresh 30000 milliseconds from now.
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
Ad finished loading.
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
Enable myanmar Zawgyi converter
[INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1600000 uid : 1000 pid : 2352 tag : android@2
checkOverflow(480), More:false, Req:false Child:3
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
SIOP:: AP = 380, Delta = 0
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
checkOverflow(480), More:false, Req:false Child:3
getStreamVolume 3 index 20
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
checkOverflow(480), More:false, Req:false Child:3
[4250] com.google.android.play.a.g.e(853): Preparing logs for uploading
[4250] com.google.android.play.a.g.e(855): No file ready to send
Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.3456 ] when=135897542301000
Delivering touch to: action: 0x4, toolType: 1
Delivering touch to: action: 0x4, toolType: 1
Delivering touch to: action: 0x0, toolType: 1
In getseinfo pid = 2352 uid = 1000 seinfo= system
Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=135897553505000
Delivering touch to: action: 0x1, toolType: 1
Could not find method android.content.pm.PackageManager.getPackageInstaller, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.common.zze.zzs
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 564: Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getPackageInstaller ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageInstaller;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0015
Could not find method android.security.NetworkSecurityPolicy.getInstance, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.state.h.a
VFY: unable to resolve static method 2946: Landroid/security/NetworkSecurityPolicy;.getInstance ()Landroid/security/NetworkSecurityPolicy;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0080
Could not find method android.content.pm.PackageManager.getPackageInstaller, referenced from method hyx.a
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2339: Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getPackageInstaller ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageInstaller;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x001c
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS
VFY: unable to resolve static field 784 (SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0008
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_ABIS
VFY: unable to resolve static field 785 (SUPPORTED_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0008
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS
VFY: unable to resolve static field 784 (SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0012
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS
VFY: unable to resolve static field 783 (SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS) in Landroid/os/Build;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x0021
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS
DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x0310 at 0x0d in Lcom/google/android/chimera/container/internal/NativeLibUtils;.a
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS
DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x0310 at 0x17 in Lcom/google/android/chimera/container/internal/NativeLibUtils;.getSupportedAbisForCurrentRuntime
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Landroid/os/Build;.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS
DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x030f at 0x26 in Lcom/google/android/chimera/container/internal/NativeLibUtils;.getSupportedAbisForCurrentRuntime
getPersonaService() name persona_policy
Could not find method android.content.ContextWrapper.createCredentialProtectedStorageContext, referenced from method com.google.android.chimera.ModuleContext.createCredentialProtectedStorageContext
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2232: Landroid/content/ContextWrapper;.createCredentialProtectedStorageContext ()Landroid/content/Context;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x0002
Could not find method android.content.ContextWrapper.createDeviceProtectedStorageContext, referenced from method com.google.android.chimera.ModuleContext.createDeviceProtectedStorageContext
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2233: Landroid/content/ContextWrapper;.createDeviceProtectedStorageContext ()Landroid/content/Context;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x0002
Instantiated singleton DynamitePackage.
Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.ChimeraAdManagerCreatorImpl
Could not find method android.security.NetworkSecurityPolicy.getInstance, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.state.h.a
VFY: unable to resolve static method 2563: Landroid/security/NetworkSecurityPolicy;.getInstance ()Landroid/security/NetworkSecurityPolicy;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0080
GC_CONCURRENT freed 1025K, 23% free 6883K/8876K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 29ms
Could not find method android.content.pm.PackageManager.getPackageInstaller, referenced from method zz.a
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2120: Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getPackageInstaller ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageInstaller;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x001c
Failed to load module version:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found
at com.google.android.chimera.container.ConfigurationManager.getModuleVersion(:com.google.android.gms:564)
at com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.ModuleProvider.query(:com.google.android.gms:1103)
at android.content.ContentProvider.query(ContentProvider.java:857)
at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(ContentProvider.java:200)
at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:112)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
Binding Chromium to the main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {41e1ba48}
[INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(112)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
Could not find class 'com.google.android.chimera.Activity', referenced from method aat.b
VFY: unable to resolve instanceof 777 (Lcom/google/android/chimera/Activity;) in Laat;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x20 at 0x016f
VFY: unable to resolve static field 1333 (common_full_open_on_phone) in Lcom/google/android/gms/R$drawable;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x60 at 0x0060
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Lig;.common_google_play_services_notification_ticker
VFY: unable to resolve static field 6317 (common_google_play_services_notification_ticker) in Lig;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x60 at 0x0092
DexOpt: couldn't find static field Lig;.common_open_on_phone
DexOpt: unable to optimize static field ref 0x18b5 at 0x62 in Llf;.a
[WARNING:proxy_service.cc(888)] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
getStreamVolume 3 index 30
getStreamVolume 2 index 30
Failed to load module version after staging APKs
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found
at com.google.android.chimera.container.ConfigurationManager.getModuleVersion(:com.google.android.gms:564)
at com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.ModuleProvider.query(:com.google.android.gms:1110)
at android.content.ContentProvider.query(ContentProvider.java:857)
at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(ContentProvider.java:200)
at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:112)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
findPreferredActivity: We found 2 PreferredActivities set, but no match
Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found.
Considering local module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite:0
Failed to load module via fast routeaje: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote version is 0.
Failed to load module version: module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found
Starting ad request.
Failed to load module version after staging: module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found
Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite not found.
Considering local module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.piccard.dynamite:0
No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote version is 0.
getStreamVolume 3 index 30
getStreamVolume 2 index 30
findPreferredActivity: We found 2 PreferredActivities set, but no match
Received error HTTP response code: 403
There was a problem getting an ad response. ErrorCode: 0
Failed to load ad: 0
native failed: 0
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
checkOverflow(520), More:false, Req:false Child:2
refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
refreshSignalCluster: data=-1 bt=false
checkOverflow(520), More:false, Req:false Child:2
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