Android Question Need a plain-Jane bluetooth serial program >

Ash Powers

New Member
Licensed User
In short, I need my android program to operate as a terminal would.

I have had NO success trying to get the old serial example or the new bluetooth example to do anything other than crash the BTserial port on my RPi3. (whatever the Android app IS sending, it is hanging up the rfcomm on the RPi3, requiring a reboot to correct it.)

Yes, I am connected; using the connection utility within these programs (Serial Example and Bluetooth)

When I run BlueTerm on my Android, I can send commands to my RPi (running a custom application) and it works beautifully. These commands are just simple strings of data. I've come across posts talking about astreams and prefix and blah blah blah - I'm old school and would prefer to communicate through a plain-Jane serial port using my own error checking, etc etc.

SerialExample appears to be pretty much just that, but as stated, I can neither send nor receive ANY data. With blueterm, I can do both, from either device, and both at the same time. So it isn't an issue with the hardware or connection.

The RPi is using UTF-8.

Is the textwriter sending anything other than the string data? No header, no EOL char?
Is the textreader doing anything to the string data coming in?

Thanks and I hope to hear back soon!

Ash Powers

New Member
Licensed User
Hi Erel!

I have come across countless numbers of your helpful posts here. :)

I've actually got it running solid with textwriter/textreader but I will look into the asyncstreamstext. All of the data I'm moving over that connection is purely numbers so that shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps I'm not having issues as I've written my own error handling into it all. Let me finish hammering out the rest of the program and I'll come back around to this when I start optimizing things..

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