B4A Library New Net library - Android FTP, SMTP and POP3

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Kwame Twum

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so Erel, isn't there anything I can do about it?
Or I'll have to work on a different server...
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How come this library is not included in the B4A install?

It's an "official one by you"


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ok, I can live with that.

it's just confusing to have net and network.

for example I added network and started typing

dim ftp as ftp

and wondered why it resulted in an error, then I spotted that net was a replacement for the ftp lib
and the ftp lib was an additional/seperate lib than the network lib.


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V1.50 is released. It adds support for FTP Over SSL explicit mode (implicit mode was already supported by setting UseSSL to true).

It also includes a new object type named CustomTrustManager. CustomTrustManager allows you to load certificates from files and also to create a trust manager that accepts all certificates without checking them.

For now it can only be used with FTP.

To use it you should initialize a CustomTrustManager object and then set it with FTP.SetCustomSSLTrustManager.

Hubert Brandel

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with the SSL and TLS I get an TimeOut Error:
Try to send on: 587, SSL: false, TLS: true
TO: true count: 1 = hubert.brandel@gmx.de
After Send ...
SMTP send: false
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Connection timed out
with 25 and both ssl and tls vars to false I get this
Empty writer returned: 503 Bad sequence of commands.
You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it
so it looks like the DEBUGGER MODE could send the email, but the SMTP Server does not response on SSL / TSL ...
and the responce on port 25 is an error message from the server ... is this right ?

But what does he want to tell me with the bad sequence ?

'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
    Dim sDir As String = File.DirRootExternal     ' file attachement from ...
    Dim sFile As String = "HB-PDF.pdf"            ' name ...
    Dim sTo As String = "TargetEmailAdress@xyz.de"
    ' email über SMTP Server ... hierfür braucht man eine Internetverbindung und Klaus sollte eine eMail-Sendeadresse auf seinem Server anlegen.
    Dim SMTP As SMTP
    Dim sServer As String = "mail.server.de"  ' the SMTP Server
    Dim sSender As String = "ProgName@MySite.de" ' each app has its own eMailAdress to send from ...
    Dim sFrom As String = sSender
    Dim sPW As String = "..." ' the right password
    Dim iPort As Int     = I want to change this later in the APP

End Sub

' normaly this code should be here ...

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)   
   If FirstTime Then
     Label1.Text = "eMail an: " & sTo
     Port25.Checked = True
     iPort = 25
     SMTP.Initialize(sServer, iPort, sFrom,sPW,"SMTP")
     SMTP.StartTLSMode = False
     SMTP.UseSSL = False
   End If    
End Sub

but than I can't change the port later in the app, am I right ?
so I removed the init from activity_create to the button_click event ...

Sub Send_Click
   If File.Exists(sDir,sFile) Then ' no file, no eMail
     ToastMessageShow("PDF senden (" & iPort & ")...",False) ' this shows the right port
     SMTP.Initialize(sServer, iPort, sFrom, sPW, "SMTP" ) ' look good in debugger
     If iPort = 25 Then
        SMTP.UseSSL = False
        SMTP.StartTLSMode = False
       If iPort = 465 Then
         SMTP.UseSSL = True
         SMTP.StartTLSMode = False
        End If   

       If iPort = 587 Then
         SMTP.UseSSL = False
         SMTP.StartTLSMode = True
        End If   
     End If   
     Log("Try to send on: " & iPort & ", SSL: " & SMTP.UseSSL & ", TLS: " & SMTP.StartTLSMode )
     SMTP.Sender = sSender ' no change if I remove this line 
     Log("TO: " & SMTP.To.IsInitialized & " count: " & SMTP.To.Size & " = " & SMTP.To.Get(0) ) ' The log say, that I have 1 TO adress and it is right.
     SMTP.Subject = "Test eMail mit PDF Anhang"
     SMTP.Body = "Diese PDF habe ich gerade vom Smartphone erzeugt ;-) "
     Log("After Send ...")     
     ToastMessageShow("PDF fehlt !",False)
   End If
End Sub

Sub SMTP_MessageSent(Success As Boolean)
   Log("SMTP send: " & Success )
     If Success Then
     ToastMessageShow("PDF wurde versandt !",True)
    ToastMessageShow("eMail Fehler !",True)
   End If   
End Sub

the log says this with 25 (no SSL/TLS)

...Try to send on: 25, SSL: false, TLS: false
TO: true count: 1 = hubert.brandel@gmx.de
After Send ...
SMTP send: false
java.lang.RuntimeException: Empty writer returned: 
503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it

I have cut & paste the code from some examples and could not find what is missing ;-(

PS: NET 1.50 ... just loaded into the ExtraLib SubDir.

Hubert Brandel

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very strange, if I use my own GMX.DE email account with ...
iPort = 465
SMTP.UseSSL = True
SMTP.StartTLSMode = False

than the eMail is send correct and true will come back.
With ...
iPort = 587
SMTP.UseSSL = False
SMTP.StartTLSMode = True

same error 503 ...

Hubert Brandel

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I found a SMTP Error PDF with this info:

503 now means that your server request a authentication ... but still use 25.
Is there a setting to tell SMTP-Lib to authenticate ?


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I haven't checked it.

I've been asked whether i can update NetExtras so it is based on Net version 1.50 instead of Net version 1.20 which is rather an old version now.
I seem to remember Erel sent me the Net library source code Feb/March last year so that i could modify it.

So can i ask Erel if it's possible to do the same again?
Can i have a copy of the Net library version 1.50 source so i can create the modified FTP and SMTP objects?



Hubert Brandel

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It will always try to authenticate. Are you sure that the server expects an SSL connection?
This server (with the 503 message and 25 as port) does NOT want a SSL connection, because normaly I use a Win32 bit EXE as CGI-EXE and send with the "ASINET" LIB from my win32 bit compiler. This LIB does not support SSL or TLS, just login with name and password. Its a hosteurope web server.
Function SendAsinet(aEmpfaenger,cBetreff,cText,cProgPfad,aAttachFile,cAntwortAdresse) ' my function
  LOCAL oSmtp  := SMTPClient():new( GetSmtpServer(),,, oLog, 2 )
  LOCAL oSender  := MailAddress():new( "xxxxx@yyyy.de" )
  LOCAL oMail  := MIMEMessage():new()

  oMail:setFrom  ( oSender  ) // "xxxxx@yyyy.de"
  oMail:setSubject  ( cBetreff  ) // "Test eMail ..."
  oMail:setMessage  ( cText  ) // just the body text
  aeval(aEmpfaenger, {|cEmp| oMail:addRecipient(MailAddress():new(cEmp) ) }) ' adds all TO adresses
  oMail:addHeader( "Date", TimeStampSMTP() ) ' need to correct an error with date 
  if ! aAttachFile = NIL
     aeval(aAttachFile, {|cFile| oMail:attachFile( cFile ) })

  IF oSmtp:connect( sUserName, sPassword ) ' fix from a ini file
     IF oSmtp:send( oMail )
         lOK := .t.
         ? "Message sent"
         ? "Unable to deliver message"
     ? "Unable to connect to mail server"

this LIB just connect with (sUserName, sPassword), no PORT (means standard), no SSL / TLS ... in both cases this server does not responde on SSL / TLS connections, but give this 503 Error back with 25 (try) connection.


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Is it possible to append a line to a text file using this library? Like using the APPE ftp command...

Syntax: APPE remote-filename
Append data to the end of a file on the remote host. If the file does not already exist, it is created. This command must be preceded by a PORT or PASV command so that the server knows where to receive data from.
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