I have a little problem when injecting data to NFC Tags.
Here my code
The problem is, when i try to Write to the tag, the log show "IO Exception".
Is there any work around?
Like use other method (low level programming) or other library.
I'm using NFC Library v. 2.0.1
My tag tech is NfcA, MifareClassic, NdefFormatable.
1Kb, 16 Sectors, 64 Blocks.
Here my code
Sub Activity_Resume
If app.GetNFCAdapter(Me).IsInitialized = False Then
//Show Message
If app.GetNFCAdapter(Me).RunMethod("isEnabled", Null) = False Then
Msgbox2Async("NFC is Off. Turn on NFC?", "NFC Off", "Yes", "", "No", Null, False)
Wait For MsgBox_Result (Confirmed As Int)
If Confirmed = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
Else If Confirmed = DialogResponse.NEGATIVE Then
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("exit", Array(0))
End If
Dim intent As Intent = Activity.GetStartingIntent
If intent.IsInitialized = False Or intent = prevIntent Then Return
prevIntent = intent
If intent.Action.EndsWith("TECH_DISCOVERED") Or intent.Action.EndsWith("NDEF_DISCOVERED") _
Or intent.Action.EndsWith("TAG_DISCOVERED") Then
Dim tech As List = nfc.GetTechList(intent)
If tech.IndexOf("android.nfc.tech.Ndef") > -1 Then
nfcType = "Ndef"
tagTech.Initialize("TagTech", "android.nfc.tech.Ndef", intent)
Else If tech.IndexOf("android.nfc.tech.NdefFormatable") > -1 Then
nfcType = "NdefFormatable"
tagTech.Initialize("TagTech", "android.nfc.tech.NdefFormatable", intent)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub TagTech_Connected (Success As Boolean)
If Success = False Then
ToastMessageShow("NFC not Connected", True)
WriteNdef(Array(nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", EditText.Text.GetBytes("UTF8")), _
nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", EditText.Text.GetBytes("UTF8")), _
nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", EditText.Text.ToUpperCase.GetBytes("UTF8")), _
nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", EditText.Text.ToUpperCase.GetBytes("UTF8")), _
nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", EditText.Text.GetBytes("UTF8")), _
nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", EditText.Text.ToUpperCase.GetBytes("UTF8")), _
nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", EditText.Text.ToUpperCase.GetBytes("UTF8")), _
nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", EditText.Text.GetBytes("UTF8")), _
nfc.CreateMimeRecord("text/plain", formulaList.Text.GetItem(formulaList.SelectedIndex).GetBytes("UTF8"))))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WriteNdef (Records() As Object)
Dim RecordsJO As JavaObject
RecordsJO.InitializeArray("android.nfc.NdefRecord", Records)
Dim message As JavaObject
message.InitializeNewInstance("android.nfc.NdefMessage", Array(RecordsJO))
If nfcType = "Ndef" Then
tagTech.RunAsync("WriteNdef", "writeNdefMessage", Array(message), 0)
Else If nfcType = "NdefFormatable" Then
tagTech.RunAsync("Format", "format", Array(message), 0)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WriteNdef_RunAsync (Flag As Int, Success As Boolean, Result As Object)
If Success Then
ToastMessageShow("Success", False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReadNdef
tagTech.RunAsync("ReadNdef", "getNdefMessage", Null, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub ReadNdef_RunAsync (Flag As Int, Success As Boolean, Result As Object)
ScanNFC(Success, Result)
End Sub
Private Sub ScanNFC(nfcReadStatus As Boolean, result As Object)
If nfcReadStatus Then
If result = Null Then
ToastMessageShow("No records found.", False)
Dim xui As XUI
Dim message As JavaObject = result
Dim records() As Object = message.RunMethod("getRecords", Null)
Dim i As Int = 0
For Each ndefRecords As NdefRecord In records
Dim panel As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
panel.SetLayoutAnimated(100, 0, 0, 100%x, 100dip)
Dim byt() As Byte = ndefRecords.GetPayload
nfcText.Text = BytesToString(byt, 0, byt.Length, "UTF8")
nfcContent.Add(panel, i)
i = i + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
The problem is, when i try to Write to the tag, the log show "IO Exception".
Is there any work around?
Like use other method (low level programming) or other library.
I'm using NFC Library v. 2.0.1
My tag tech is NfcA, MifareClassic, NdefFormatable.
1Kb, 16 Sectors, 64 Blocks