Sub Class_Globals
#if B4J
Private fx As JFX
#End If
Private runningAnim(2), crouchAnim(2), jumpBmp As B4XBitmap
Private vpW, vpH As Float
Private xui As XUI
Public frames, dinoframes, status As Int
Private cnv As B4XCanvas
Private pos As vector
Private dinoframe As B4XRect
Private yDown, groundY, jumpInt As Float
Private medead As Boolean
Private collideFrameList As List
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize(senderCanvas As B4XCanvas, width As Float, height As Float)
runningAnim(0) = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"dino1.png")
runningAnim(1) = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"dino2.png")
jumpBmp = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"dino3.png")
crouchAnim(0) = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"dino4.png")
crouchAnim(1) = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"dino5.png")
status = 0
vpW = width
vpH = height
cnv = senderCanvas
medead = False
yDown = vpH * 0.00185
jumpInt = 0
groundY = vpH * 0.87
pos.x = vpW * 0.2
pos.y = groundY
frames = 0
End Sub
Public Sub run
End Sub
Sub move
jumpInt = jumpInt - yDown
pos.y = pos.y + yDown - jumpInt
If pos.y >= groundY Then
pos.y = groundY
If status = 2 Then status = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub draw
frames = frames + 1
If frames Mod 6 = 0 Then dinoframes = dinoframes + 1
If status = 0 Then
dinoframe.Width = vpW*0.085
dinoframe.Height = vpH*0.15
dinoframe.Left = pos.x-dinoframe.Width
dinoframe.Top = pos.y-(dinoframe.Height/2)
cnv.DrawBitmap(runningAnim(dinoframes Mod 2),dinoframe)
else if status = 1 Then
dinoframe.Width = vpW*0.1
dinoframe.Height = vpH*0.09
dinoframe.Left = pos.x-dinoframe.Width
dinoframe.Top = pos.y-(dinoframe.Height/4)
cnv.DrawBitmap(crouchAnim(dinoframes Mod 2),dinoframe)
else if status = 2 Then
dinoframe.Width = vpW*0.085
dinoframe.Height = vpH*0.15
dinoframe.Left = pos.x-dinoframe.Width
dinoframe.Top = pos.y-(dinoframe.Height/2)
End If
If Main.drawCollisionRect Then setCollisionFrameAndDraw(dinoframe,status)
End Sub
Sub setCollisionFrameAndDraw(frame As B4XRect, st As Int)
Select st
Case 1
Case Else
Dim rectHead As B4XRect
Dim rectBody As B4XRect
Dim rectTail As B4XRect
End Select
For Each rect As B4XRect In collideFrameList
End Sub
Public Sub dinoJumpNow
If status = 2 Then Return
status = 2
jumpInt = vpH*0.035
End Sub
Public Sub dinoCrouchNow(isTrue As Boolean)
If status = 2 Then Return
If isTrue Then status = 1 Else status = 0
End Sub
public Sub checkIfHasCollide(enemyFrame As B4XRect) As Boolean
For Each rect As B4XRect In collideFrameList
If rect.Bottom > enemyFrame.Top And < enemyFrame.Bottom Or rect.Bottom < enemyFrame.Top And rect.Top > enemyFrame.Bottom Then
If rect.Right > enemyFrame.Left And rect.Left < enemyFrame.Right Or rect.Left < enemyFrame.Right And rect.Right > enemyFrame.Left Then
medead = True
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Sub
Public Sub getStatus As Int
Return status
End Sub
Public Sub isDinoDead As Boolean
Return medead
End Sub