Android Tutorial No-IP Android client - Access your device over the internet

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Licensed User
Hi, I'm also trying to access my Android device (which is running the HttpServer library) over the internet. I see there are helpful comments here back in 2014 that is out of service and suggesting an alternative; and also techknight's update above. Does anyone have experience of implementing this more recently who can advise on the services available now and/or any code samples?


Licensed User
Thank you for your help Erel.

I looked at whatismipaddress although I couldn't see how I can access it to update the dynamic external IP via the DynnamicIp service in b4a.

As a test, should it work without that step (just use the dynamic IP for a short period - if it doesn't change)? So far, I can't get that step to work.
I have forwarded a port to the device IP that is running the server code ( TCP 5555 and UDP 5555 in the router.
The device has a static IP.
If I type my external IP address into a web browser I get a message that the site can't be reached.
I currently have a variable in my application called SERVER_IP_ADDRESS that I set to the device ID when using my internal network.
SERVER_IP_ADDRESS = "" For example I can then call " & sb)"
Do I need to change this or does it stay as the device IP?

Sorry for the novice questions and thanks for any help.


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As a test, should it work without that step (just use the dynamic IP for a short period - if it doesn't change)?

So far, I can't get that step to work.
It is not so simple. This is why I suggested to start like this.

Please start a new thread for further discussion.
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