Non-working code fragments


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I see no other applicable threads for such questions as the following:

The word "one" shows on the screen as expected, but no longer when I put the ListView into the Panel of a ScrollView. Why?

The code:

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim SV As ScrollView
Dim Pnl As Panel
Dim LstVw As ListView



End Sub

Ultimately, I want two lists side by side that will scroll as one on the screen.


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They zseem to have the same start coordinates and width and height, so will surely overwrite each other, no?
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Your code has several problems:

- SV.Initialize(100)
here you set the height of the internal panel of the ScrollView smaller than the ScrollView itself hiding half of the content.

- SV.Pnl.AddView(LstVw,100,100,200,200)
here you set the ListView out of the visible part of the ScrollView. The coordinates of the ListView refer to the Panel NOT to the Activity so it should be: SV.Pnl.AddView(LstVw,0,0,200,200)

- You cannot scroll the ListView because the ScrollView overrides it, the ListView is inside the ScrollView.

What exactly do you want to do ?
You say 'you want two lists side by side scrolling as one'
Do these lists have the same number of items ?
If yes use one ScrollView with two columns. Even if no, it could be managed.

Best regards.
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That Helps

Thanks for the hint. That helped me further. I now have two ListViews in a ScrollView Panel. Now all I need is to make the ListViews (or ScrollView) to scroll them together.
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When using the B4A emulator, how can my app find and read a data file on the Windows PC? The following cannot find any file whereEVER it is. This is not a problem on a real device.

Sub ReadFile As Boolean
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim TxtFile As String

If FilenameEdtTxt.Text.length>0 Then
TxtFile=FilenameEdtTxt.Text & ".txt"
If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal,TxtFile) Then
End If
End If
Return Found
End Sub
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