I've never used the designer in B4A, I've always created my views in code.
Current project (for a use on a 8" Tab) uses over 120 views and growing!
Recently I found Earls TabStripViewPager and it would be great to split the program across 3 pages.
but because the Tabstrip only works with views created within the designer it looks like I'll have to re-work
the entire display layout of the project.
Almost all my views are within arrays, How do you create them within the designer?
placing one button in the designer and accessing it with;
Sure doesn't work .
With such a large amount of objects is it good practice to 'just throw' the views into the designer and
sort them out in code afterwards, because trying to align so many within the designer will be a nightmare!
Current project (for a use on a 8" Tab) uses over 120 views and growing!
Recently I found Earls TabStripViewPager and it would be great to split the program across 3 pages.
but because the Tabstrip only works with views created within the designer it looks like I'll have to re-work
the entire display layout of the project.
Almost all my views are within arrays, How do you create them within the designer?
placing one button in the designer and accessing it with;
Private ControlLabel(10) as label
Dim Text() As String = Array As String("PubCo","Site Name","M/c Type","M/c Name","Position","AWP Terms","Weekly Rent £","PubCo Share","Shortfall To","M/c Float £")
For X = 0 To 9
Cd.Initialize2 (Colors.ARGB (0,193,249,202),0,0, Colors.Black)
ControlLabel(X).Background = Cd
ControlLabel(X).TextColor = Colors.Black
ControlLabel(X).Gravity = Gravity.right
ControlLabel(X).TextSize= 16
ControlLabel(X).Text= Text(X)
ControlLabel(X).Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT
ControlLabel(X).SetLayout (5dip, 38dip +(X*LineSpace) , 110dip, 20dip) 'Left,Top,Width,Height
Sure doesn't work .
With such a large amount of objects is it good practice to 'just throw' the views into the designer and
sort them out in code afterwards, because trying to align so many within the designer will be a nightmare!