B4J Question oAuth2 B4J Server


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I am wanting to use oAuth2 in my B4J app with a REST API.

I see a lot of examples on how to use it client side (such as B4A/B4i/B4J connecting to a remote server), however I need it server side so clients can connect to my B4J app using oAuth2.

I have come across the following and not sure how to integrate it into my B4J app.


Anyone know how I can use one of the above in my B4J app ?


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I looked at this a while back. Unless you are expecting a lot of users I would use https://auth0.com as a server. The free tier supports 7000 users.
I looked at that.

My B4J app has it's own database with user logins.

Not 100% sure if the free version works when working with databases (such as from my B4J app) ?

I think the first link from Post 1 is going to do what I want, but just can't work out what needs to be done to make it work.

Unless someone has used auth0.com with B4J and using a local database in B4J and it somehow pushes the user logins from B4J to auth0.com ?
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Well-Known Member
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I think the free version doesn't support connecting to a remote (such as my B4J app) to mange the users. I think it used to work on the free plan, but now you need to pay. I will need to look into it in more detail, as I only had a quick look.

Still rather to have oAuth2 running on my B4J server and not connecting to a remote oAuth service.
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No one stops you to be the auth-server.
Create an auth-token after a valid cliend requests one. Return this token to the client.

For any request to your api check the Authentication header and check the Bearer Value. It must match a token you generated.
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In the BANano download there is a small example which can be an example for such an Auth server in B4J: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...tion-to-a-b4j-server-rest-api.100269/#content

In my day job, we went a bit further and made a library to generate and check JWT tokens for an API key (can't share it for the moment, but it is based on this project: https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt). The main principle is the same: do the Auth check in a AuthFilter:

'Auth Filter class
Sub Class_Globals
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize

End Sub

'Return True to allow the request to proceed.
Public Sub Filter(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse) As Boolean
   Dim Token As String = req.GetHeader("api_key")
   resp.ContentType = "application/json"
   If Token <> "" And Token <> "demo-api-key" Then
       Dim jjwt As ABJJWT
       Dim TokenJJWT As ABJJWTToken = jjwt.CheckToken(Token, "SECRET-KEY",0)
       If TokenJJWT = Null Then
           Return False
       End If
       Dim spl() As String = Regex.Split(";", TokenJJWT.Audience)
       If spl.Length = 2 Then
           req.GetSession.SetAttribute("OTID", spl(0))
           req.GetSession.SetAttribute("Demo", False)
           req.GetSession.SetAttribute("Dev", spl(1))
           Return False
       End If       
       If Token = "demo-api-key" Then
           req.GetSession.SetAttribute("OTID", 0)
           req.GetSession.SetAttribute("Demo", True)
           req.GetSession.SetAttribute("Dev", "DEMO")           
           Return False
       End If
   End If
   resp.SetHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods" ,"GET, POST, UPDATE, DELETE, OPTIONS")
   resp.SetHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Authorization")
   Return True
End Sub

And a snippet of a class (handler) in the REST API:
'Handler class
Sub Class_Globals
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize

End Sub

Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
   Dim IsDemo As Boolean = req.GetSession.GetAttribute2("Demo", True)
   Dim Response As String
   Dim OTID As Int = req.GetSession.GetAttribute2("OTID", 0)
   Dim Dev As String = req.GetSession.GetAttribute2("Dev", "Demo")
   Select Case req.Method
       Case "DELETE" ' Deletes
           If req.RequestURI.Length + 1 <= "/v1/group/".Length Then
               resp.SendError(404, "Group not found")
           End If
           Dim paramId As String = req.RequestURI.SubString("/v1/group/".Length)
           If paramId = "" Then
               resp.SendError(404, "Group not found")
               Dim Code As String = "GROUP_DELETE"
               Dim grp As RecGroup = DBMApp.GroupFromRecord(paramId, OTID)
               If grp = Null Then
                   resp.SendError(404, "Group not found")
                   If IsActiveType(grp.grpGrpTypID) = False Then
                       resp.SendError(404, "Group not found")
                   End If
               End If
               grp.grpGrpTypID = SetToType(grp.grpGrpTypID, "130", "")
               Dim sysrlID As Int = DBMApp.InsertLog(7, OTID, 0, paramId, 0, Code, Dev, "Delete group API", 0, grp.ToJSON(True))
               Dim SQL As SQL = DBM.GetSQL
               Dim NumRegistrations As Int = DBM.SQLSelectSingleResult(SQL, "SELECT COUNT(regId) AS OTID FROM tRegistration WHERE regGrpID=" & paramId, Null)
               If NumRegistrations > 0 Then
                   resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1001", "errorMessage": ${NumRegistrations} "registration(s) found using this group"}"$)
                   resp.ContentType = "application/json"
               End If
               ' actual delete
                   DBMApp.UPDATESTATUSGroup(SQL, paramId, grp.IdenID, grp.grpGrpTypID, SetToType(grp.grpGrpTypID, "130", "8"), Null, 0, Code, sysrlID)
               End Try

           End If
       Case "GET" ' Find Group by ID
           If req.RequestURI.Length + 1 <= "/v1/group/".Length Then
               resp.SendError(404, "Group not found")
           End If
           Dim paramId As String = req.RequestURI.SubString("/v1/group/".Length)
           If paramId = "" Then
               resp.SendError(404, "Group not found")
               If IsDemo Then
                   Dim mGroup As modelGroup
                   mGroup.ParentId = 0
                   mGroup.Id = 10
                   mGroup.typeId = 400110
                   mGroup.Code = "Demo Code"
                   mGroup.Description = "Demo Description"
                   mGroup.Comment = "Demo comment"
                   mGroup.Barcode = "Demo Barcode"
                   mGroup.Number = 0
                   Response = mGroup.ToJson
                   Dim SQL As SQL = DBM.GetSQL
                   Dim SQL_str As String = $"SELECT grpParentID, grpID, grpGrpTypId, grpCode, grpDescription, grpComment, grpNumber01, idenCode FROM tGroup INNER JOIN tIdentification ON tGroup.grpID = tIdentification.idenGrpID WHERE tGroup.OTID=${OTID} AND tGroup.grpID=?"$
                   Dim Variables As List
                   Dim res As List = DBM.SQLSelect(SQL, SQL_str, Variables)
                   If res.Size = 0 Then
                       resp.SendError(404, "Group not found")
                       Dim m As Map = res.Get(0)
                       Dim mGroup As modelGroup
                       mGroup.ParentId = m.Get("grpparentid")
                       mGroup.Id = m.Get("grpid")
                       mGroup.typeId = m.Get("grpgrptypid")
                       mGroup.Code = m.Get("grpcode")
                       mGroup.Description = m.Get("grpdescription")
                       mGroup.Comment = m.Get("grpcomment")
                       mGroup.Barcode = m.Get("idencode")
                       mGroup.Number = m.Get("grpnumber01")
                       If IsActiveType(mGroup.Typeid) = False Then
                           resp.SendError(404, "Group not found")
                       End If
                       Response = mGroup.ToJson
                   End If
               End If
           End If
       Case "POST" ' Add a new group to the store
           Dim bodyJson As String
           Dim body As TextReader
           Dim group As modelGroup
           bodyJson = body.ReadAll
           If bodyJson.StartsWith("{") Then
           End If
           If group.IsInitialized = False Then
               resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1002", "errorMessage": "Json body is not a group object"}"$)
               resp.ContentType = "application/json"
               If group.Check(True) = False Then
                   resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1003", "errorMessage": "Invalid values or missing required fields"}"$)
                   resp.ContentType = "application/json"
               End If
               If IsDemo Then
                   ' nothing do do, 200 OK is fine
                   If DBM.ActiveExists(group.Code, "SELECT grpGrpTypID FROM tGroup WHERE grpCode=? AND OTID=?", Array As Object(group.Code, OTID)) = False Then
                       resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1005", "errorMessage": "Code already exists"}"$)
                       resp.ContentType = "application/json"
                   End If
                   If DBM.ActiveExists(group.Barcode, "SELECT idenIdenTypID FROM tIdentification WHERE idenCode=? AND OTID=?", Array As Object(group.Barcode, OTID)) = False Then
                       resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1006", "errorMessage": "Barcode already in use"}"$)
                       resp.ContentType = "application/json"
                   End If
                   Dim grp As RecGroup
                   grp.OTID = OTID
                   grp.grpParentID = group.ParentId
                   grp.DescriptionParent = ""
                   grp.grpGrpTypID = group.Typeid
                   grp.grpCode = group.Code
                   grp.grpDescription = group.Description
                   grp.BarCode = group.Barcode
                   grp.grpComment = group.Comment
                   grp.grpNumber01 = group.Number
                   grp.grpOTLastModifiedLoginID = 0
                   grp.grpOTCreationTag = "GROUP_CREATE"
                   grp.grpID = DBMApp.INSERTGroup(grp, Null, True, "8" & group.Typeid, Dev)
                   If grp.grpID = 0 Then
                       ' error
                   End If
                   Response = $"{"id": ${grp.grpID}}"$
               End If
           End If
       Case "PUT" ' Update a group
           Dim bodyJson As String
           Dim body As TextReader
           Dim group As modelGroup
           bodyJson = body.ReadAll
           If bodyJson.StartsWith("{") Then
           End If
           If group.IsInitialized = False Then
               resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1002", "errorMessage": "Json body is not a group object"}"$)
               resp.ContentType = "application/json"
               If group.Check(True) = False Then
                   resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1003", "errorMessage": "Invalid values or missing required fields"}"$)
                   resp.ContentType = "application/json"
               End If
               If IsDemo Then
                   ' nothing do do, 200 OK is fine
                   If DBM.ActiveExists(group.Code, "SELECT grpGrpTypID FROM tGroup WHERE grpCode=? AND OTID=? AND grpId<>?", Array As Object(group.Code, OTID, group.Id)) = False Then
                       resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1005", "errorMessage": "Code already exists"}"$)
                       resp.ContentType = "application/json"
                   End If
                   If DBM.ActiveExists(group.Barcode, "SELECT idenIdenTypID FROM tIdentification WHERE idenCode=? AND OTID=? AND idenGrpID<>?", Array As Object(group.Barcode, OTID, group.Id)) = False Then
                       resp.SendError(409, $"{"errorCode": "1006", "errorMessage": "Barcode already in use"}"$)
                       resp.ContentType = "application/json"
                   End If
                   Dim grp As RecGroup
                   grp.OTID = OTID
                   grp.grpParentID = group.ParentId
                   grp.DescriptionParent = ""
                   grp.grpGrpTypID = group.Typeid
                   grp.grpCode = group.Code
                   grp.grpDescription = group.Description
                   grp.BarCode = group.Barcode
                   grp.grpComment = group.Comment
                   grp.grpNumber01 = group.Number
                   grp.grpOTLastModifiedLoginID = 0
                   grp.grpOTCreationTag = "GROUP_UPDATE"
                   grp.grpID = group.Id
                   If DBMApp.UPDATEGroup(grp, Null, Dev) = False Then
                       ' error
                   End If
               End If
           End If
       Case Else
           resp.SendError(400, "Bad Request")
   End Select
   If Response <> "" Then
   End If
End Sub

Sub SetToType(origType As Int, target As String, Prefix As String) As Int
   Dim s As String = origType
   If s.EndsWith(target) Then
       Return Prefix & origType
   End If
   s = s.SubString2(0,s.Length - 3) & target
   Dim sInt As Int = s
   Return Prefix & sInt
End Sub

Sub IsActiveType(origType As Int) As Boolean
   Dim s As String = origType
   Return s.EndsWith("110")
End Sub

I really like how simple it is in B4J to build REST APIs. We have an internal tool to generate about 70% of the B4J API code from the json file Swagger makes. This way we can quickly update our API (or the clients) needs, both the documentation and the REST API itself.

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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I think the free version doesn't support connecting to a remote (such as my B4J app) to mange the users. I think it used to work on the free plan, but now you need to pay. I will need to look into it in more detail, as I only had a quick look.

Still rather to have oAuth2 running on my B4J server and not connecting to a remote oAuth service.

In that case take a look at: https://github.com/networknt/light-oauth2 but just like AuthO you would interact with it from B4J using the servers inbuilt Rest API's.
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