Evening People,
Thanks (again) for taking a moment to look at a slight problem for me.
This query works :-
When the user presses the ImageView, ResultTest (on the Results Module) is set to 45, testtxt (on the Results Module) is set to "SELECT NAME FROM Rec WHERE CT = "& Results.ResultTest & curname & " ORDER BY NAME"
This works fine, in my 'Results' Module I have the following :-
Great, so as you can see, this will populate a listview with all entries where the column CT has the value of 45
Now..why doesn't this work?
Now, from what I can see, we should be getting SELECT NAME FROM Rec WHERE VE = V
But we're not, according to the errors, we're getting SELECT NAME FROM Rec WHERE VE = "ORDER BY NAME"
It's as if Results.ResultTest isn't being 'set' correctly (or at all)
It's set as a Process_Global on both modules (and for the first example it works just fine). V is also declared as a string < I'm guessing this is where the problem is. On the working example, we're just searching on numerical values, but on this we're searching for a letter.
Process Globals looks a little like this (on both modules)
Dim ResultTest="" As String
Dim V As String
Is this the issue?
Thanks (again) for taking a moment to look at a slight problem for me.
This query works :-
Sub U45IV_Click
Results.ResultTest = 45
Results.testtxt = "SELECT NAME FROM Rec WHERE CT = " & Results.ResultTest & curname & " ORDER BY NAME "
End Sub
When the user presses the ImageView, ResultTest (on the Results Module) is set to 45, testtxt (on the Results Module) is set to "SELECT NAME FROM Rec WHERE CT = "& Results.ResultTest & curname & " ORDER BY NAME"
This works fine, in my 'Results' Module I have the following :-
cur = SQL1.ExecQuery(testtxt)
For i = 0 To cur.RowCount -1
cur.Position = i
Great, so as you can see, this will populate a listview with all entries where the column CT has the value of 45
Now..why doesn't this work?
Sub VEIV_Click
Results.ResultTest= V
Results.testtxt = "SELECT NAME FROM Rec WHERE VE = " & Results.ResultTest & curname & " ORDER BY NAME "
End Sub
Now, from what I can see, we should be getting SELECT NAME FROM Rec WHERE VE = V
But we're not, according to the errors, we're getting SELECT NAME FROM Rec WHERE VE = "ORDER BY NAME"
It's as if Results.ResultTest isn't being 'set' correctly (or at all)
It's set as a Process_Global on both modules (and for the first example it works just fine). V is also declared as a string < I'm guessing this is where the problem is. On the working example, we're just searching on numerical values, but on this we're searching for a letter.
Process Globals looks a little like this (on both modules)
Dim ResultTest="" As String
Dim V As String
Is this the issue?