Android Question OkHttpUtils2 - separate JobDone functions?


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Longtime User
I was using the old HTTPutils modules to both read and write data to 3 different databases, (MSSQL and Oracle).

After upgrading to B4A version 6 it would no longer compile in debug mode due to code in the httputils service module.
As it also no loger is recommended i switched to OkHttpUtils2.

But, from what i understand ALL jobs uses the same JobDone function?
This is not desirable for my application as it would create a humongous JobDone function, i proboby have around 25 different routines questioning the databases for various information.

Is it really no way to specify different JobDone functions, and if so, how?
Or if not, how would i preferably organise my routines?

Best regards.


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IMO it is the same concept, you have one JobDone and make the different routines with the jobname...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes but it was much easier to organize it with different JobDone functions as i could specified the actual job and handling the result right below in a designated JobDone function.
Now i have to search trough a huge function to find exactly where i'm handling a certain job.
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