B4J Question Open csv file with excel


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Hi, I want to know how can I open a csv file with excel from B4J Application.
I try with jshell and cant.

shell1.InitializeDoNotHandleQuotes("shell1", "start", Array As String $"excel /e ${File.DirApp}\reporte.csv"$)


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You pass a single string (array with one parm. Try to separate the parms like array as string ("Excel","/e", ....)

I usually use a *.bat or *.vbs file with parms. In that file you start Excel with the file you want. Browse the www how to do it and the forum how to pass parameters to a acript.

Another way is: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/open-external-documents.35046/

Here you need to bind *.csv files to be opened with Excel before.
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