Using 16b TIMER 1 and inline C to get oscillating output at PIN 9 (Arduino Uno). the frequency can be set to 1Hz up to 1MHz, the output is set by division of the 16MHz crystal.
When the frequency is power of 2 the output is accurate, otherwise the error can be up to 0.04%.
When the frequency is power of 2 the output is accurate, otherwise the error can be up to 0.04%.
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private frequency As ULong
Public divide As UInt
Public prescale As Byte
Private out As Pin
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
frequency=500 'enter requency 1Hz to 1MHz
If frequency>1000 Then
prescale=0x1A '0b11010
prescale=0x1C '0b11100
End If
RunNative("osc", Null)
out.Initialize(9, out.MODE_OUTPUT) '11
End Sub
#if C
void osc (B4R::Object* o) {
// set timer1
TCCR1A = 0b1000011;
TCCR1B = b4r_main::_prescale;
OCR1A = b4r_main::_divide;
#End if