Using inline C allows controlling TIMER 2 PWM output (analog output) to oscillate at selected frequencies of 61 Hz to 62,500 Hz.
freq=1 to 7 select frequency, ana_out set the duty cycle and output at pin 11 (OSC2A) of Arduino Uno. I haven't checked it with other Arduinos.
freq=1 to 7 select frequency, ana_out set the duty cycle and output at pin 11 (OSC2A) of Arduino Uno. I haven't checked it with other Arduinos.
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private freq As Byte
Private ana_out As Byte
Private out As Pin
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
freq=4 '7=61Hz, 6=244Hz, 5=488Hz, 4=976Hz, 3=1953Hz, 2=7812Hz, 1=62500Hz
ana_out=190 'duty cycle 255=100%
RunNative("pwm", Null)
out.Initialize(11, out.MODE_OUTPUT)
End Sub
#if C
void pwm (B4R::Object* o) {
//timer2 settings
OCR2A = b4r_main::_ana_out;
TCCR2A = 0b10000011; //Normal Port Operation, fast PWM mode
TCCR2B = b4r_main::_freq; //prescale
#End if