Italian [OT] cancellare chat su Whatsapp


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Ho cercato su internet ma non ho trovato nulla

Ho bisogno di cancellare su whatsapp tutte le chat più vecchie di un tot di giorni, senza doverle selezionare una per una.
Sapete se per caso si può fare ?
Su whatsapp ho trovato solo la possibilità di cancellarle tutte



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Non sono a conoscenza di una funzione simile in WA.


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Whatsapp does not provide a API for that.

You, the user, can Longclick on a chat to mark it. Once you marked one of the chats you see an Trashcan-Icon at the top to delete the marked Chat.

Singleclick on any other chat does mark it TOO.

Mark all the chats you want to remove and then click on the Trashcan-Icon.


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Many thanks for your answer, I know how to do it with whatsapp, but I need to do it in automatic mode, on about 3000 chat every month


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on about 3000 chat every month
Unfortunately there is no api for that.
Who does need/use 3000 Chats in a Month? I never delete any chat. But in total i have around 100. Only 100 in regard to 3000

Maybe you need to switch to an Whatsapp-Business Account?
The Businessaccount provide a Api which you can use using okhttputils2.

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Well-Known Member
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1) yes, I'm already using Whatsapp Business

2) I developed a program for to send Whatsapp message in automatic mode, received from a PC.
The program is use in a library that sell books online, about 100 books every day, so about 3000 chat every month.
When the smartphone have many chat it don't works very well, so a human need to select each chat and delete it, but it need many time.

3) Yes, I already takes a look at business API, but it ask to me to contact a "partner", ok I will try it

The Businessaccount provide a Api which you can use using okhttputils2.

Can you tell me more about this ??

Best regards
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Licensed User
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Scusa ma se usi WhatsApp web e inietti codice in Javascript non riesci a fare qualcosa?


Well-Known Member
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Scusa ma se usi WhatsApp web e inietti codice in Javascript non riesci a fare qualcosa?

WhatsApp web è difficilmente utilizzabile tramite WebBrowser (avevo già fatto dei test), e poi comunque c'è già un impiegato collegato a whatsapp web, per cui non potrei farlo, grazie comunque per lo spunto
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