I go to try it with ESP01 with 8MB flash 2) EDIT - ESP01 with 8MB flash:
ESP01 8MB flash
In programming process I see in LOGs:
Auto-detected Flash size:1M
In Board selector I have set:
EESZ: 1M and I am trying 2M and I am trying 8M too
this three possibilities give this result in Logs:
Flash real id: 001440C8
Flash real size: 1048576
Flash ide size: 1048576
Flash ide speed: 40000000
Flash ide mode: QIO
Flash chip configuration is correct...
- If I save values to EEPROM, and if I disconnect this ESP01 module with 8MB flash from power and then if I connect to power again, then the value from eeprom are lost.
- If I am trying OTA I get in LOGs:
Error2: 2 Update error: ERROR[2]: Flash Erase Failed
So my result:
- ESP01s - now I can not do OTA, but EEPROM is OK
- ESP01 with 8MB flash - now I can not do OTA and I can not store values in EEPROM