Android Question Overview content


Active Member
When i press my phones overview buttons to see all current apps, they show their contents while mineshow white blank (only the titlebar wth name and icon).

Is there a way to get it to show content of your app? All my apps seem to show a screenshot of what they look like there.

Brian Dean

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Is there a way to get it to show content of your app?
You do not need to take any special action to show the state of your app; there may be some things that you should avoid doing. How many apps have you written? Do they all show this characteristic? What happens with the "Click Me!" default app?
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Active Member
Maybe it is because i use libgdx that it is empty.. not sure if i can anything about it maybe it is the implementation of libgdx inside b4a
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Active Member
It was kind of solved but in overview(See all open current apps) when you have landscape/sensorlandscape you can see that Android chooses to show it as a portrait "card" but the contens inside is of of course landscape, which is correct. But it chooses to not stretch all the way to the bottom to the cards bottom so the bottom half wil be blank with the acivitivties color instead (something that is never seen in the actual app).

Is there a way to make it stretch the landascapes bottom so you would see a complete section of jsut the contents? (in landscapemode it looks good already)
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